BEng (Hons)
General Engineering
BEng (Hons)
General Engineering

Key Information


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3 years


Brayford Pool

Typical Offer

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3 years



Academic Years

Course Overview

Our General Engineering programmes aim to develop graduates with the skills and knowledge to become rounded engineers with diverse experiences in a number of engineering fields, able to adapt to new challenges and deliver sustainable solutions for modern society. The programme includes bespoke modules designed for General Engineering programmes, as well as specialist modules aligning to the School's wider engineering portfolio.

The General Engineering suite of programmes consists of a CertHE, DipHE, and BEng (Hons) General Engineering. Students may choose to apply to study from one year and work towards a CertHE through to the three years and work towards a BEng (Hons). Transfer between the programmes is also possible during your studies. A foundation year entry route is also available for those who don't meet the standard entry requirements for the programmes.

Course Overview

Our General Engineering programmes aim to develop graduates with the skills and knowledge to become rounded engineers with diverse experiences in a number of engineering fields, able to adapt to new challenges and deliver sustainable solutions for modern society. The programme includes bespoke modules designed for General Engineering programmes, as well as specialist modules aligning to the School's wider engineering portfolio.

The General Engineering suite of programmes consists of a CertHE, DipHE, and BEng (Hons) General Engineering. Students may choose to apply to study from one year and work towards a CertHE through to the three years and work towards a BEng (Hons). Transfer between the programmes is also possible during your studies. A foundation year entry route is also available for those who don't meet the standard entry requirements for the programmes.

Why Choose Lincoln

BEng (Hons), CertHE, and DipHE options

Specialist optional modules from across our engineering portfolio

Extensive hands-on project work

Strong industry links

Study stand-alone modules as part of a flexible learning option

Study stand-alone modules as part of a flexible learning option

YouTube video for Why Choose Lincoln

How You Study

The General Engineering programmes utilise problem- and project-based learning. We aim to narrow the gap between employers' requirements and our graduates' skills to improve employability and help their transition from higher education into work.

The combination of modules offered is designed to build subject knowledge and skills required for graduate careers in both engineering and disciplines branching from it. Opportunities such as our year in research and industry placement are embedded within the programme to further affirm those skills in real-world contexts relevant to your own career ambitions.

The first year, which will be common across all General Engineering programmes, will lay foundations in fields such as mechanical, electrical, and mechatronic engineering. Students on the BEng programme will then go on in years two and three to develop some aspects of these fields further, as well as developing an appreciation of their interrelatedness and applications of this knowledge in a variety of contexts.

The programme uses a range of teaching methods including scheduled teaching sessions, directed independent study activities, and self-directed independent study.

How You Study

The General Engineering programmes utilise problem- and project-based learning. We aim to narrow the gap between employers' requirements and our graduates' skills to improve employability and help their transition from higher education into work.

The combination of modules offered is designed to build subject knowledge and skills required for graduate careers in both engineering and disciplines branching from it. Opportunities such as our year in research and industry placement are embedded within the programme to further affirm those skills in real-world contexts relevant to your own career ambitions.

The first year, which will be common across all General Engineering programmes, will lay foundations in fields such as mechanical, electrical, and mechatronic engineering. Students on the BEng programme will then go on in years two and three to develop some aspects of these fields further, as well as developing an appreciation of their interrelatedness and applications of this knowledge in a variety of contexts.

The programme uses a range of teaching methods including scheduled teaching sessions, directed independent study activities, and self-directed independent study.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Computing and Programming for Engineers 2025-26EGR1013MLevel 42025-26Many sectors of engineering require high levels of computer literacy and the ability to write computer programs for problem solving is highly desirable. In learning the fundamentals of computer programming, logical thinking and problem solving, skills can be developed and coding techniques learnt, that can support the study of modules in forthcoming years. This course delivers the concepts of structured computer programming and lab time is allocated for implementing these concepts. Students are provided with opportunities to plan, write, and debug their own computer programs.CoreDesign Challenge for Engineers 2025-26EGR1022MLevel 42025-26All engineers must be familiar with design strategies, methods of assessing design proposals, approaches to reducing uncertainty, formal communication techniques, and the industrial and legal standards in which they fit. Mechanical Engineering students can independently learn and demonstrate the fundamentals of mechanical technical drawing and computer aided design (CAD), while Electrical Engineering students will independently learn and demonstrate the fundamentals of electrical drawing and CAD. Electrical and Mechanical engineers will then coalesce to form interdisciplinary groups who will produce an electro-mechanical design solution which meets a practical objective and considers the commercial, economic, social and environmental implications via a broad critique of the state of the art.CoreElectrical and Electronic Technology 2025-26ELE1004MLevel 42025-26An understanding of the basic principles and many of the important practical applications of electronic and electrical engineering is now essential to practitioners of other disciplines, especially mechanical engineers. The aim of this module is to provide a foundation in electrical engineering and electronics without being over complicated or cluttered with too-rigorous and exhaustive mathematical elements.CoreEngineering Mechanics 2025-26EGR1016MLevel 42025-26The module can be divided into two topics: Statics and Mechanics: The primary aim of the study of engineering mechanics is to develop students' capacity to predict the effects of force and deformation in the course of carrying out the creative design function of engineering. As students' undertake the study of solids and forces (first statics, mechanics, then dynamics) they can build a foundation of analytical capability for the solution of a great variety of engineering problems. Modern engineering practice demands a high level of analytical capability, and the study of mechanics can help in developing this. Dynamics: The study of dynamics gives students the opportunity to analyse and predict the motion of particles and bodies with and without reference to the forces that cause this motion. Successful prediction requires the ability of visualise physical configurations in terms of real machines ( in addition to knowledge of physical and mathematical principles of mechanics) and actual constraints and the practical limitations which govern the behaviour of machines.CoreMaterials and Methods of Manufacture 2025-26EGR1004MLevel 42025-26The selection of materials and manufacturing method is an integral part of the engineering design procedure. The purpose of this module is to introduce the fundamental properties of engineering materials through an understanding of the atomic and molecular interactions within the material. Students are introduced to the technology of manufacturing processes and how the selection of manufacturing processes are influenced by, and subsequently affect, material properties.CoreMathematical Skills for Engineers 2025-26EGR1014MLevel 42025-26A good mathematical grounding is essential for all engineers. The theory developed in this module aims to underpin the other engineering modules studied at level one. Wherever possible, mathematical theory is taught by considering a real example, to present students the mathematical tools they might need for the science they follow. Solutions are considered by both analytical and numerical techniques.CoreThermofluids 2025-26EGR1017MLevel 42025-26The syllabus for this module can be divided into two topics: Thermodynamics: Thermodynamics is an essential part of engineering curricula all over the world. It is a basic science that deals with energy interactions in physical systems, and the purpose of this module is to study the relationships between heat (thermos) and work (dynamics). This module presents a range of real-world engineering applications to give students a feel for engineering practice and an intuitive understanding of the subject matter. Fluid Mechanics: Fluid Mechanics is the branch of applied mechanics that is concerned with the statics and dynamics of liquids and gases. The analysis of the behaviour of fluids is based upon the fundamental laws of applied mechanics, which relate to the conservation of mass-energy and the force-momentum equation. However, instead of dealing with the behaviour of individual bodies of known mass, Fluid Mechanics is concerned with the behaviour of a continuous stream of fluid. For this reason, Fluid Mechanics is studied separately to other mechanics modules. Due to the similarity of the mathematical techniques, Fluid Mechanics are studied with Thermodynamics.CoreControl Systems 2026-27EGR2006MLevel 52026-27The aim of this module is to provide students with a firm grounding in Classical Control methods, which will enable them to work with systems and control engineers, and prepare students on the control stream for advanced topics in the level three and four modules. Students will be introduced to Control in relation to engineering systems, and in particular to develop methods of modelling the control of processes. Techniques are explored with particular reference to common practical engineering problems and their solutions, and the application of SIMULINK in this process.CoreData Modelling and Simulation 2026-27EGR2010MLevel 52026-27The purpose of this programme of mathematical study is to give students the opportunity to become more competent in calculations using a range of mathematical tools. The content builds upon that delivered in the first year, and gives students the opportunity to extend their analytical skills by introducing more advanced topics that may form part of the modern engineers skill set.CoreDigital Systems And Analog Electronics 2026-27BME2003MLevel 52026-27This modules introduces the basic knowledge required to understand, design, and work with basic electronic circuits and the basic principles underlying the process of electronic engineering. No previous electronics experience is assumed and the module proceeds via a sequence of lectures supported by labs designed to introduce practical electronics.CoreElectrical Power and Machines 2026-27ELE2004MLevel 52026-27Students will be introduced to electrical machines and power systems and their practical applications, supported by practical analysis/synthesis methods. This ability is fundamental for the students with mechanical engineering background, if they are to be able to handle electromechanical problems encountered in real life situations. Students will further have the opportunity to explore a general methodology for the calculation of electromechanical energy conversion. Students can obtain an appreciation of the features and characteristics of different types of electromechanical machines and drives and their applications.CoreInnovation Project 2026-27EGR2007MLevel 52026-27The content of this module aims to deepen a students’ understanding of engineering in practical applications. Students will have the opportunity to investigate the design process for mechanical, electrical or control components/systems and undertake analysis of the same. These two strands of the module are brought together in a design project, which will be set by a professional engineering organisation. This major project will give students the opportunity to extend their creative design skills and obtain practical experience of the process of creating sound conceptual solutions through to real design problems within an industrial context. Students can build confidence and gain experience through working within a team with practicing engineers from industry.CoreIntroduction to Research Methods for Engineers 2026-27EGR2023Level 52026-27This Introductory research methods module prepares students for undertaking the research for their Independent Study as well as the optional year in research module. The module introduces core principles of the research methods that they are likely to utilise in their research. The chosen method should form the basis of their research design, and the structure of the of independent study submission.CoreKinematics and Biomechanics 2026-27BME2004MLevel 52026-27This module provides an understanding of the core concepts of mechanics such as mass, force, velocity, acceleration, work, energy, and power. Students can develop the necessary skills to apply the fundamental laws of mechanics such as Newton’s laws and conservation of energy to perform quantitative analysis of human body motion and equilibrium.CoreSolid Body Mechanics 2026-27EGR2012MLevel 52026-27This programme of study will extend the ideas and skills introduced at Level 1. Students have the opportunity to learn how to carry out strength and deflection analyses for a variety of simple load cases and structures. Students have the opportunity to understand the simplifications used in such analyses. This course demonstrates the role of stress analysis and failure prediction in the design environment.CoreEngineering Year in Industry 2026-27EGR2015XLevel 52026-27The Placement Year constitutes a work placement during an academic year, typically between Levels 2 and Level 3, though it may take place between levels 3 and 4 of an MEng programme. Students wishing to undertake the work placement year must successfully complete Level 2 (and 3 if applicable) of their programme. The Placement Year aims to give students a continuous experience of full-time work within an organisation. It should be a three-way co-operative activity between employer, student, and University. Work placements enable students to experience at first hand the daily workings of an organisation while setting that experience in the broader context of their studies.OptionalEngineering Year in Research 2026-27EGR2024Level 52026-27OptionalEngineering Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2027-28EGR3048Level 62027-28The module aims to equip students with a depth of innovation and entrepreneurial theory which forms a foundation of knowledge. Students study the various theoretical aspects of both foundation and contemporary aspects of entrepreneurship and enterprise in order to self-appraise their own personal environment. The module examines modern day success stories of contemporary businesses in engineering and manufacturing and traces their origins and reasons for successful accomplishments. It aims to reflect the entrepreneurial learning process which informs how entrepreneurs learn from previous mistakes. The module offers a generic examination of the principles of business studies, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial activity, within a variety of settings of SMEs and regional and rural settings.CoreEngineering the Future 2027-28EGR3045Level 62027-28This module considers the current challenges in engineering today and anticipates where new innovation might be heading. It will focus particularly on grand challenges and identifying new and emerging technologies, both in research at Lincoln and further afield.CoreIndividual Project (Bachelors) 2027-28EGR3024MLevel 62027-28The individual project aims to provide students with a learning experience that enables them to carry out independent research, and to integrate many of the subjects they have studied throughout their degree. Students are expected to plan, research and execute their task while developing skills in critical judgement, independent work and engineering competence. Students have the opportunity to gain experience in presenting and reporting a major piece of engineering work, of immediate engineering value, at a level appropriate for an honours degree student.CoreIndustrial Automation 2027-28EGR3039MLevel 62027-28The aim of this module is to introduce students to modern industrial automation architectures. The module is composed of three parts: i) Sensors and actuators; ii) industrial networks; iii) Programmable logic controllers. In the first part students will have the opportunity to learn the main technological aspects of sensors and actuators used in industrial automation. The second part will explore how distributed architecture works, with an in-depth overview of the most common fieldbus and industrial Ethernet HW/SW protocols. The third part will explore Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) focusing both on the HW/SW architecture and on the main programming languages according to the IEEE61131-3 standard. Finally, students will also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by working on industrial automation test beds.CoreNew and Sustainable Product Development 2027-28EGR3001MLevel 62027-28The aim of this module is to give students the opportunity to experience a real engineering design situation as part of a group. Students have the opportunity to gain an understanding of strategic, operational, environmental and ethical issues related to new product design and development through a series of lectures covering an appreciation of market and societal dynamics and its effect on the design of new products. This module provides students with the opportunity to understand the tools and techniques available to facilitate sustainable product design and provide knowledge of the product design processes that can reduce environmental impacts and promote sustainable practices.CoreSignal Processing and System Identification 2027-28EGR3031MLevel 62027-28The aim of this module is to introduce students to theory and methodology of advanced techniques relevant to engineering systems, in order to design and implement filters and systems. System identification is a general term to describe mathematical tools and algorithms that build dynamic models from measured data. A dynamic model in this context is a mathematical description of the dynamic behaviour of a system or process in either the time or frequency domain. Students are given the opportunity to investigate methods by which they can perform useful operations on signals in either discrete or time-varying measurement.CoreEngineering Communication 2027-28EGR3046Level 62027-28This module is designed to provide students with an insight into methods of communicating complex engineering concepts to a variety of audiences and utilising a range of media. This includes communication to both specialist and non-specialists through conventional avenues such as presentations and reports but also media such as periodicals, blogs, vlogs, websites, and social media as well as in teaching through both the materials used and delivery chosen. Students can gain an insight into some of the key ideas in communicating engineering and how these are implemented in practice.OptionalEngineering Management and Leadership 2027-28EGR3047Level 62027-28The focus of this module is on the development of leadership and management in engineering contexts at organisational, team, and individual levels. There is recognition of differing approaches and interpretations of the concepts of leadership and management within a range of contexts including public, private, not-for-profit, large, small, national, international, and multicultural organisations.OptionalRobotics and Automation 2027-28ELE3005MLevel 62027-28The aim of this module is to enable students to gain knowledge and understanding of the principles and other key elements in robotics, its interdisciplinary nature and its role and applications in automation. The module starts with the history and definition of robotics and its role in automation with examples. The module continues by studying a number of issues related to classifying, modelling and operating robots, followed by an important aspect of the robotics interdisciplinary nature i.e. its control and use of sensors and interpretation of sensory information as well as vision systems. Students will also have the opportunity to be introduced to the topics of networked operation and teleoperation, as well as robot programmingOptionalState-Space Control 2027-28EGR3032MLevel 62027-28In control engineering, a state-space representation is a mathematical model of a physical system as a set of input, output and state variables. Students have the opportunity to explore different methods of resolving the control variables in order to analyse systems in a compact and relevant way.Optional


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Computing and Programming for Engineers 2024-25EGR1013MLevel 42024-25Many sectors of engineering require high levels of computer literacy and the ability to write computer programs for problem solving is highly desirable. In learning the fundamentals of computer programming, logical thinking and problem solving, skills can be developed and coding techniques learnt, that can support the study of modules in forthcoming years. This course delivers the concepts of structured computer programming and lab time is allocated for implementing these concepts. Students are provided with opportunities to plan, write, and debug their own computer programs.CoreDesign Challenge for Engineers 2024-25EGR1022MLevel 42024-25All engineers must be familiar with design strategies, methods of assessing design proposals, approaches to reducing uncertainty, formal communication techniques, and the industrial and legal standards in which they fit. Mechanical Engineering students can independently learn and demonstrate the fundamentals of mechanical technical drawing and computer aided design (CAD), while Electrical Engineering students will independently learn and demonstrate the fundamentals of electrical drawing and CAD. Electrical and Mechanical engineers will then coalesce to form interdisciplinary groups who will produce an electro-mechanical design solution which meets a practical objective and considers the commercial, economic, social and environmental implications via a broad critique of the state of the art.CoreElectrical and Electronic Technology 2024-25ELE1004MLevel 42024-25An understanding of the basic principles and many of the important practical applications of electronic and electrical engineering is now essential to practitioners of other disciplines, especially mechanical engineers. The aim of this module is to provide a foundation in electrical engineering and electronics without being over complicated or cluttered with too-rigorous and exhaustive mathematical elements.CoreEngineering Mechanics 2024-25EGR1016MLevel 42024-25The module can be divided into two topics: Statics and Mechanics: The primary aim of the study of engineering mechanics is to develop students' capacity to predict the effects of force and deformation in the course of carrying out the creative design function of engineering. As students' undertake the study of solids and forces (first statics, mechanics, then dynamics) they can build a foundation of analytical capability for the solution of a great variety of engineering problems. Modern engineering practice demands a high level of analytical capability, and the study of mechanics can help in developing this. Dynamics: The study of dynamics gives students the opportunity to analyse and predict the motion of particles and bodies with and without reference to the forces that cause this motion. Successful prediction requires the ability of visualise physical configurations in terms of real machines ( in addition to knowledge of physical and mathematical principles of mechanics) and actual constraints and the practical limitations which govern the behaviour of machines.CoreMaterials and Methods of Manufacture 2024-25EGR1004MLevel 42024-25The selection of materials and manufacturing method is an integral part of the engineering design procedure. The purpose of this module is to introduce the fundamental properties of engineering materials through an understanding of the atomic and molecular interactions within the material. Students are introduced to the technology of manufacturing processes and how the selection of manufacturing processes are influenced by, and subsequently affect, material properties.CoreMathematical Skills for Engineers 2024-25EGR1014MLevel 42024-25A good mathematical grounding is essential for all engineers. The theory developed in this module aims to underpin the other engineering modules studied at level one. Wherever possible, mathematical theory is taught by considering a real example, to present students the mathematical tools they might need for the science they follow. Solutions are considered by both analytical and numerical techniques.CoreThermofluids 2024-25EGR1017MLevel 42024-25The syllabus for this module can be divided into two topics: Thermodynamics: Thermodynamics is an essential part of engineering curricula all over the world. It is a basic science that deals with energy interactions in physical systems, and the purpose of this module is to study the relationships between heat (thermos) and work (dynamics). This module presents a range of real-world engineering applications to give students a feel for engineering practice and an intuitive understanding of the subject matter. Fluid Mechanics: Fluid Mechanics is the branch of applied mechanics that is concerned with the statics and dynamics of liquids and gases. The analysis of the behaviour of fluids is based upon the fundamental laws of applied mechanics, which relate to the conservation of mass-energy and the force-momentum equation. However, instead of dealing with the behaviour of individual bodies of known mass, Fluid Mechanics is concerned with the behaviour of a continuous stream of fluid. For this reason, Fluid Mechanics is studied separately to other mechanics modules. Due to the similarity of the mathematical techniques, Fluid Mechanics are studied with Thermodynamics.CoreControl Systems 2025-26EGR2006MLevel 52025-26The aim of this module is to provide students with a firm grounding in Classical Control methods, which will enable them to work with systems and control engineers, and prepare students on the control stream for advanced topics in the level three and four modules. Students will be introduced to Control in relation to engineering systems, and in particular to develop methods of modelling the control of processes. Techniques are explored with particular reference to common practical engineering problems and their solutions, and the application of SIMULINK in this process.CoreData Modelling and Simulation 2025-26EGR2010MLevel 52025-26The purpose of this programme of mathematical study is to give students the opportunity to become more competent in calculations using a range of mathematical tools. The content builds upon that delivered in the first year, and gives students the opportunity to extend their analytical skills by introducing more advanced topics that may form part of the modern engineers skill set.CoreDigital Systems And Analog Electronics 2025-26BME2003MLevel 52025-26This modules introduces the basic knowledge required to understand, design, and work with basic electronic circuits and the basic principles underlying the process of electronic engineering. No previous electronics experience is assumed and the module proceeds via a sequence of lectures supported by labs designed to introduce practical electronics.CoreElectrical Power and Machines 2025-26ELE2004MLevel 52025-26Students will be introduced to electrical machines and power systems and their practical applications, supported by practical analysis/synthesis methods. This ability is fundamental for the students with mechanical engineering background, if they are to be able to handle electromechanical problems encountered in real life situations. Students will further have the opportunity to explore a general methodology for the calculation of electromechanical energy conversion. Students can obtain an appreciation of the features and characteristics of different types of electromechanical machines and drives and their applications.CoreInnovation Project 2025-26EGR2007MLevel 52025-26The content of this module aims to deepen a students’ understanding of engineering in practical applications. Students will have the opportunity to investigate the design process for mechanical, electrical or control components/systems and undertake analysis of the same. These two strands of the module are brought together in a design project, which will be set by a professional engineering organisation. This major project will give students the opportunity to extend their creative design skills and obtain practical experience of the process of creating sound conceptual solutions through to real design problems within an industrial context. Students can build confidence and gain experience through working within a team with practicing engineers from industry.CoreIntroduction to Research Methods for Engineers 2025-26EGR2023Level 52025-26This Introductory research methods module prepares students for undertaking the research for their Independent Study as well as the optional year in research module. The module introduces core principles of the research methods that they are likely to utilise in their research. The chosen method should form the basis of their research design, and the structure of the of independent study submission.CoreKinematics and Biomechanics 2025-26BME2004MLevel 52025-26This module provides an understanding of the core concepts of mechanics such as mass, force, velocity, acceleration, work, energy, and power. Students can develop the necessary skills to apply the fundamental laws of mechanics such as Newton’s laws and conservation of energy to perform quantitative analysis of human body motion and equilibrium.CoreSolid Body Mechanics 2025-26EGR2012MLevel 52025-26This programme of study will extend the ideas and skills introduced at Level 1. Students have the opportunity to learn how to carry out strength and deflection analyses for a variety of simple load cases and structures. Students have the opportunity to understand the simplifications used in such analyses. This course demonstrates the role of stress analysis and failure prediction in the design environment.CoreEngineering Year in Industry 2025-26EGR2015XLevel 52025-26The Placement Year constitutes a work placement during an academic year, typically between Levels 2 and Level 3, though it may take place between levels 3 and 4 of an MEng programme. Students wishing to undertake the work placement year must successfully complete Level 2 (and 3 if applicable) of their programme. The Placement Year aims to give students a continuous experience of full-time work within an organisation. It should be a three-way co-operative activity between employer, student, and University. Work placements enable students to experience at first hand the daily workings of an organisation while setting that experience in the broader context of their studies.OptionalEngineering Year in Research 2025-26EGR2024Level 52025-26OptionalEngineering Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2026-27EGR3048Level 62026-27The module aims to equip students with a depth of innovation and entrepreneurial theory which forms a foundation of knowledge. Students study the various theoretical aspects of both foundation and contemporary aspects of entrepreneurship and enterprise in order to self-appraise their own personal environment. The module examines modern day success stories of contemporary businesses in engineering and manufacturing and traces their origins and reasons for successful accomplishments. It aims to reflect the entrepreneurial learning process which informs how entrepreneurs learn from previous mistakes. The module offers a generic examination of the principles of business studies, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial activity, within a variety of settings of SMEs and regional and rural settings.CoreEngineering the Future 2026-27EGR3045Level 62026-27This module considers the current challenges in engineering today and anticipates where new innovation might be heading. It will focus particularly on grand challenges and identifying new and emerging technologies, both in research at Lincoln and further afield.CoreIndividual Project (Bachelors) 2026-27EGR3024MLevel 62026-27The individual project aims to provide students with a learning experience that enables them to carry out independent research, and to integrate many of the subjects they have studied throughout their degree. Students are expected to plan, research and execute their task while developing skills in critical judgement, independent work and engineering competence. Students have the opportunity to gain experience in presenting and reporting a major piece of engineering work, of immediate engineering value, at a level appropriate for an honours degree student.CoreIndustrial Automation 2026-27EGR3039MLevel 62026-27The aim of this module is to introduce students to modern industrial automation architectures. The module is composed of three parts: i) Sensors and actuators; ii) industrial networks; iii) Programmable logic controllers. In the first part students will have the opportunity to learn the main technological aspects of sensors and actuators used in industrial automation. The second part will explore how distributed architecture works, with an in-depth overview of the most common fieldbus and industrial Ethernet HW/SW protocols. The third part will explore Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) focusing both on the HW/SW architecture and on the main programming languages according to the IEEE61131-3 standard. Finally, students will also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by working on industrial automation test beds.CoreNew and Sustainable Product Development 2026-27EGR3001MLevel 62026-27The aim of this module is to give students the opportunity to experience a real engineering design situation as part of a group. Students have the opportunity to gain an understanding of strategic, operational, environmental and ethical issues related to new product design and development through a series of lectures covering an appreciation of market and societal dynamics and its effect on the design of new products. This module provides students with the opportunity to understand the tools and techniques available to facilitate sustainable product design and provide knowledge of the product design processes that can reduce environmental impacts and promote sustainable practices.CoreSignal Processing and System Identification 2026-27EGR3031MLevel 62026-27The aim of this module is to introduce students to theory and methodology of advanced techniques relevant to engineering systems, in order to design and implement filters and systems. System identification is a general term to describe mathematical tools and algorithms that build dynamic models from measured data. A dynamic model in this context is a mathematical description of the dynamic behaviour of a system or process in either the time or frequency domain. Students are given the opportunity to investigate methods by which they can perform useful operations on signals in either discrete or time-varying measurement.CoreEngineering Communication 2026-27EGR3046Level 62026-27This module is designed to provide students with an insight into methods of communicating complex engineering concepts to a variety of audiences and utilising a range of media. This includes communication to both specialist and non-specialists through conventional avenues such as presentations and reports but also media such as periodicals, blogs, vlogs, websites, and social media as well as in teaching through both the materials used and delivery chosen. Students can gain an insight into some of the key ideas in communicating engineering and how these are implemented in practice.OptionalEngineering Management and Leadership 2026-27EGR3047Level 62026-27The focus of this module is on the development of leadership and management in engineering contexts at organisational, team, and individual levels. There is recognition of differing approaches and interpretations of the concepts of leadership and management within a range of contexts including public, private, not-for-profit, large, small, national, international, and multicultural organisations.OptionalRobotics and Automation 2026-27ELE3005MLevel 62026-27The aim of this module is to enable students to gain knowledge and understanding of the principles and other key elements in robotics, its interdisciplinary nature and its role and applications in automation. The module starts with the history and definition of robotics and its role in automation with examples. The module continues by studying a number of issues related to classifying, modelling and operating robots, followed by an important aspect of the robotics interdisciplinary nature i.e. its control and use of sensors and interpretation of sensory information as well as vision systems. Students will also have the opportunity to be introduced to the topics of networked operation and teleoperation, as well as robot programmingOptionalState-Space Control 2026-27EGR3032MLevel 62026-27In control engineering, a state-space representation is a mathematical model of a physical system as a set of input, output and state variables. Students have the opportunity to explore different methods of resolving the control variables in order to analyse systems in a compact and relevant way.Optional

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

How you are assessed

Assessment on the programme is designed to measure and assess engineering technical and analytical skills as well as professional soft skills including oral and written communication, team working, long-life learning, problem-solving, project management, and planning and organisation.

Coursework assignments are used in a number of modules where students are required to work on their own or in small groups. They are designed to enable students to develop and show their understanding of the module content. Oral presentations are often included as part of coursework to provide opportunities for developing essential communication skills. The programme also includes online, time constrained assessments (TCAs).

Students are expected to complete an individual project in their final year of the degree course, providing an excellent opportunity to pull together every aspect of their development during the course.

How you are assessed

Assessment on the programme is designed to measure and assess engineering technical and analytical skills as well as professional soft skills including oral and written communication, team working, long-life learning, problem-solving, project management, and planning and organisation.

Coursework assignments are used in a number of modules where students are required to work on their own or in small groups. They are designed to enable students to develop and show their understanding of the module content. Oral presentations are often included as part of coursework to provide opportunities for developing essential communication skills. The programme also includes online, time constrained assessments (TCAs).

Students are expected to complete an individual project in their final year of the degree course, providing an excellent opportunity to pull together every aspect of their development during the course.


This programme has two different placement opportunities, depending on the interests of each student. The sandwich option provides you with the opportunity to either spend a year in industry or a year in research.

For either opportunity, you are encouraged to obtain placements independently, however tutors may provide support and advice to those who require it during this process. A Placement Year Fee is payable to the University of Lincoln during this year for students joining in 2025/26 and beyond. Students are expected to cover their own travel, accommodation, and living costs.

Stand-alone Modules

Flexible Learning

Students may also choose to enrol on individual modules from the programme as part of a flexible study option. For more information on this, including when specific modules are running and how to apply, please contact us.

A student taking part in a practical lab session

Academic Expertise and Industry Links

Our academic team brings together a rich array of research experience, including staff with specialisms in diagnostics and prognostics, renewables, modelling of dynamic systems, nanomaterials, and applications of lasers. They secure grants for major UK and European research funders and deliver research, development, and consultancy for industrial partners, as well as being part of international research collaborations.

Students have the opportunity to engage in this research through research-led teaching and project work. The University of Lincoln’s School of Engineering has a core philosophy of research-led teaching. Our innovative industrial collaborations have led to a rich programme of work experience opportunities, including at Siemens Energy in Lincoln.

What Can I Do With an Engineering Degree?

Professional engineers are in demand in the UK and overseas. Graduates may pursue a variety of career paths in either engineering or a related discipline thanks to the broad skillset developed in this programme. The University’s strong industry links give Lincoln graduates enhanced opportunities for placements, mentoring, and recruitment. Students may choose to continue their studies to postgraduate level, choosing to specialise through an MSc in Engineering or a related discipline.

Entry Requirements 2025-26

United Kingdom

104 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent qualifications to include 40 points from Maths.

BTEC Extended Diploma in Engineering: Distinction, Merit, Merit.

T Level in Engineering: Merit.

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 104 UCAS Tariff points, including 40 points from 15 credits in Maths.

International Baccalaureate: 28 points overall to include a Higher Level 5 in Maths.

GCSE's: Minimum of three at grade 4 or above, which must include English and Maths. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may also be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We may also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page.

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

For applicants who do not meet our standard entry requirements, our Science Foundation Year can provide an alternative route of entry onto our full degree programmes:

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.

Entry Requirements 2024-25

United Kingdom

104 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent qualifications to include 40 points from Maths.

International Baccalaureate: Pass Diploma from a minimum of 2 Higher Level subjects to include a Higher Level 5 in Maths
BTEC Extended Diploma in Engineering: Distinction, Merit, Merit or equivalent.

T Level: Merit in Engineering accepted.

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 104 UCAS Tariff points, including 40 points from 15 credits in Maths.

A combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTEC, EPQ, etc.

Applicants will also need at least three GCSEs at grade 4 (C) or above, which must include English and Maths. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may also be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry. We will also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page.

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

For applicants who do not meet our standard entry requirements, our Science Foundation Year can provide an alternative route of entry onto our full degree programmes:

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Find out More by Visiting Us

The best way to find out what it is really like to live and learn at Lincoln is to visit us in person. We offer a range of opportunities across the year to help you to get a real feel for what it might be like to study here.

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Three students walking together on campus in the sunshine
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.