Encouraging Excellence, Supporting Success
At the University of Lincoln, we understand the importance of providing staff and students with the best possible environment for pursuing research that can help our communities, improve lives, and change the world.
Our supportive and inclusive research culture, where collaboration and knowledge exchange is fostered through a range of specialist institutes, schools, and policy initiatives, remains the bedrock of our success, while major investments in new buildings and state-of-the-art research facilities ensure that we nurture creativity and deliver impactful research that addresses regional and global priorities.
British Academy Global Professorships
The British Academy Global Professorships seek to support established academics proposing ambitious, high-risk, curiosity-driven research in the humanities and social sciences. Awards provide up to £900,000 over four years and are expected to add significant value to the UK host institutions and vice versa.
Applicants for the professorships must be based outside the UK at the time of application and hold a doctoral degree (or be an established scholar with relevant equivalent experience). We are particularly interested in receiving proposals from humanities and social sciences researchers working in our key strategic areas of net zero, agri-food technology, history and heritage, security and defence, and rural and coastal health.
To express an interest in applying to the British Academy with the University of Lincoln as your host institution, please contact research@lincoln.ac.uk for the relevant forms and guidance. The deadline to submit your expression of interest is 9 September 2024.
Maintaining High Standards of Integrity
We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of our research. We do this by supporting good conduct and helping to prevent misconduct, upholding the commitments outlined in the UUK Concordat to Support Research Integrity, which provides a comprehensive national framework for good research conduct.
The University has developed a code of practice for research and a set of policies designed to encourage the completion of studies of the highest quality, to meet our ambitions as set out in our Strategic Plan 2022-27.
Read More About Ethics and Integrity at Lincoln
Achieving Your Ambitions
The University is a signatory of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, setting out clear standards that research staff can expect from the institution that employs them.
The Concordat is an agreement between funders and employers of research staff to improve the employment and support for research careers in UK higher education. It not only helps to improve the environment and culture within which research is conducted, but also recognises the role of research and innovation in delivering the UK’s industrial and economic strategies.
Read More About the Concordat