BA (Hons)
BA (Hons)

Key Information


Brayford Pool

Typical Offer

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3 years (4 years with Foundation Year)




Brayford Pool

Typical Offer

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3 years (4 years with Foundation Year)



Academic Years

Course Overview

Photography is a career that could take you in many directions - from the commercial to the artistic to the academic - with each path looking for photographers with a unique way of interpreting our communities and environment.

On this course you'll learn the core practical skills and techniques you need to produce professional-standard photography, from developing your ideas and understanding your audience, to solving creative problems through collaboration and individual practice. Working with our industry-standard equipment and facilities, you'll be given a choice of pathway including still, moving, digital, and analogue images, creating projects built around themes like identity, place, documentary, and fictions. You'll also get the opportunity to work with professional clients on live briefs and enter international photography competitions.

This programme is also available with an Arts Foundation Year, which can provide an alternative route of entry onto the full degree programme. Find out more at

Course Overview

Photography is a career that could take you in many directions - from the commercial to the artistic to the academic - with each path looking for photographers with a unique way of interpreting our communities and environment.

On this course you'll learn the core practical skills and techniques you need to produce professional-standard photography, from developing your ideas and understanding your audience, to solving creative problems through collaboration and individual practice. Working with our industry-standard equipment and facilities, you'll be given a choice of pathway including still, moving, digital, and analogue images, creating projects built around themes like identity, place, documentary, and fictions. You'll also get the opportunity to work with professional clients on live briefs and enter international photography competitions.

This programme is also available with an Arts Foundation Year, which can provide an alternative route of entry onto the full degree programme. Find out more at

Why Choose Lincoln

Links with industry and workshops with visiting experts

Specialist photography studios and equipment

Take part in international student photography competitions

Professional briefs from brands and organisations

Opportunities to self publish your work

Professional network of alumni

YouTube video for Why Choose Lincoln

How You Study

Photography at Lincoln is taught by award-winning industry practitioners and research-active academics. Programme Leader Graeme Oxby was Format Photography Festival Photo Show 2019 award winner and an exhibitor at the Indian Photo Festival presented by National Geographic 2019. Tom Martin was Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize finalist in 2011 and In Conflict - Visible White Photo Prize finalist in 2017.

Students also learn from academic staff who are often engaged in world-leading or internationally excellent research. Key theoretical and critical issues will be explored, in addition to the ways these themes underpin contemporary photography practice. Students will learn to apply practical, creative, and technical approaches to create fully realised contemporary photography projects. As the programme progresses, students will have increasing autonomy in deciding the basis and form of the work they're creating.

In each year, modules cover methods and materials, critical theory, and professional practice. Modules can include Contemporary Photographic Practices; Dynamic Visual Forms; Becoming an Effective Researcher; Extended Practice; and Critical Research Project.

The first year offers an introduction to methods of producing and distributing photography, as well as a critical understanding of lens-based media and technologies within contemporary contexts.

During the second year, students can develop and refine their approach selecting assignments that reflect their interests. In the second year module Photography and Collaboration, students work on live photography briefs issued by partner companies and institutions.

In the final year, students are expected to produce a major body of work in their chosen area, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the medium, and produce a final exhibition of work.

How You Study

Photography at Lincoln is taught by award-winning industry practitioners and research-active academics. Programme Leader Graeme Oxby was Format Photography Festival Photo Show 2019 award winner and an exhibitor at the Indian Photo Festival presented by National Geographic 2019. Tom Martin was Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize finalist in 2011 and In Conflict - Visible White Photo Prize finalist in 2017.

Students also learn from academic staff who are often engaged in world-leading or internationally excellent research. Key theoretical and critical issues will be explored, in addition to the ways these themes underpin contemporary photography practice. Students will learn to apply practical, creative, and technical approaches to create fully realised contemporary photography projects. As the programme progresses, students will have increasing autonomy in deciding the basis and form of the work they're creating.

In each year, modules cover methods and materials, critical theory, and professional practice. Modules can include Contemporary Photographic Practices; Dynamic Visual Forms; Becoming an Effective Researcher; Extended Practice; and Critical Research Project.

The first year offers an introduction to methods of producing and distributing photography, as well as a critical understanding of lens-based media and technologies within contemporary contexts.

During the second year, students can develop and refine their approach selecting assignments that reflect their interests. In the second year module Photography and Collaboration, students work on live photography briefs issued by partner companies and institutions.

In the final year, students are expected to produce a major body of work in their chosen area, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the medium, and produce a final exhibition of work.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Presenting Photography 2025-26PTG1020MLevel 42025-26Presenting Photography is an outward facing module that will enable you to work both independently and collaboratively with peers to explore the communication, dissemination, presentation and consumption of contemporary photography practice. You will produce and participate in a presentation, create an online platform showcasing your individual practice as well as creating and producing a group exhibition at the end of the year, based on the work you have created in other practice modules.CoreKey Concepts in Photography 2025-26PTG1015MLevel 42025-26Key Concepts in Photography provides incisive content that covers the essential critical underpinnings that have shaped photographic development and discourse since its inception. You will explore the themes and conceptual ideas that contributed to modernist and postmodern photography and examine semiotics as an analytical framework. The syllabus will build on these foundational ideas to engage with debates on representation, identity, power and aesthetics.CorePhotography and Place 2025-26PTG1016MLevel 42025-26In this practical module, you will be introduced to, and make work informed by the theme of Place. You will have the opportunity to create three short photography projects which may include: Human impact on the landscape The urban landscape Heritage within the landscape By undertaking these projects you will gain knowledge of the historical development of critical, ecological and theoretical themes within photography of place and understand how ethical and creative innovations influence today's generation of landscape image makers. You will learn a range of practical and technical strategies and methods in order to create work that is informed by research and critical analysis and presented in the context of contemporary audiences.CorePhotography and Documentary 2025-26PTG1019MLevel 42025-26In this module, you will be introduced to the theme of documentary within the context of photography. you will gain knowledge of the historical development of critical and theoretical themes within photojournalism and documentary photography and understand how ethical and creative innovations influence today's generation of documentary image makers. You undertake three short practical projects and learn a range of practical and technical strategies and methods in order to create work within the documentary theme which relate to a contemporary audience.CorePhotography and Fictions 2025-26PTG1018MLevel 42025-26Photography and Fictions will introduce you to methods of practice and critical thought that further your understanding of narrative, ideology and visual language across multiple genres of photography. You will consider key historical and contemporary milestones in the construction of fictional photography, visual metaphor and semiotics. You will study and create diverse photographic responses to staged photography, commercially informed advertising practice and sophisticated sequenced narrative. You will gain an understanding of how ethical and creative innovations influence today's generation of image makers. Through regular critical lectures and practical workshops you will learn a range of skills, technical strategies and methodologies.CorePhotography and Identity 2025-26PTG1017MLevel 42025-26In this module you will be introduced to ideas, techniques and equipment relating to portraiture in photography. Through a series of lectures you will be introduced to the work of specific practitioners which you will respond to during the taught sessions and in your own time. You will learn a range of practical and technical strategies and methods in order to create work that is informed by research and critical analysis and presented in the context of contemporary audiences. There will be three short projects which may include: Studio portrait photography Location Portrait Photography The notion of the self in photographic portraitureCoreWorkflow for Photography 2025-26PTG1021MLevel 42025-26A thorough working knowledge of digital workflow is vital to professional creatives in a wide variety photographic fields, the Workflow for Photography module provides you with the necessary skills in post production, file management and output to make the most of your images. You will be guided through all key stages of photography beyond the shutter press with a series of software demonstration sessions and supervised practical study.CoreWriting about Photography 2025-26PTG1022MLevel 42025-26While studying ‘Writing about photography’ you will learn the art of academic writing in relation to photography. Using a scaffolded learning approach you will be taken through each stage of writing an academic essay in an applied and sequential manner. Taking the position that photography is both document and fiction the module will also explore approaches to writing about photography that adhere to formal academic conventions while remaining open to stylistic experimentation and diversity. ‘Writing About photography’ encourages a community approach to learning through collaboration. In addition, guided learning will provide individual guidance to help support the structuring of academic essay writing on a one to one basis.CoreRethinking Photography 2026-27PTG2020MLevel 52026-27Rethinking Photography encourages you to consider photography beyond genre, to reflect on the nature of lens based image making as a holistic and ever evolving medium of data transmission. Through a varied, syllabus, you will produce multiple practice outcomes, informed by appropriate research and reflection. During the semester you will develop practical skills through regular workshops and critical engagement through thematically diverse lectures and reflective seminars designed to enmesh ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’. Rethinking photography aims to develop your confidence in a range of photographic and intellectual skills, methodologies and informed approaches that best reflect the changing face of the photographically derived image in the Information age.CoreMoving Image for Photographers 2026-27PTG2018MLevel 52026-27‘Moving Image for Photographers’ will enable you to explore, research and develop the production processes involved in making short moving image projects utilising established and emerging contemporary approaches. While studying this module you will propose, create and evaluate a number of moving image projects, explore production roles and work both individually and collaboratively, providing a foundation on which to potentially explore a deeper application of approaches in subsequent modules and in professional practice.CorePhotography and Collaboration 2026-27PTG2019MLevel 52026-27In this module you will engage with a live brief from a number of real world clients as a framework for exploring collaboration in photography. You will actively develop your knowledge and practical understanding of contemporary commercial photography and future employment opportunities within photography and related creative industries by producing a personal journal to take forward into 3rd year professional practice modules.CorePhotography Project 2026-27PTG2023MLevel 52026-27The ‘Photography Project’ module provides an opportunity for autonomy and independent learning through the creation of a self initiated photographic project of your own choice. You will create work that you are passionate about, produced through the application of key practical skills and critical methodologies gained in your studies so far. You will be supported by staff members to create engaging, audience facing photographic work for exhibition, providing a springboard for further progress in your third year of study.CorePhotography Symposium 2026-27PTG2021MLevel 52026-27The syllabus explores contemporary photographic practice in relation to a themed symposium - a space for collaboration, dialogue and the exploration of contemporary photographic discourse. This module focuses on skills in presentation, research and development processes, public speaking skills and further exploration of dialogues within photography. A substantial proportion of the syllabus is student-led, with frequent presentations embedded in the programme to support personal and professional development.CoreResearch Themes in Contemporary Photography 2026-27PTG2022MLevel 52026-27Researrch Themes in Contemporary Photography is delivered online and builds upon your knowledge of how to write about images, and think about photographs, from a critical perspective. The module progresses by addressing different research themes in contemporary photography each week. Through the process of researching key texts in the history of photographic theory, you will be able to interpret the practice of contemporary photographers working with these themes, with greater depth and complexity. The aim of this module is to provide you with an understanding of the major debates that continue to inform contemporary photographic practice. In turn, this will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to situate your photographic practice into an established critical framework.CoreStudy Abroad Photography 2026-27PTG2003MLevel 52026-27OptionalEnterprise & Employment Case Study 2027-28PTG3009MLevel 62027-28This module will give you the opportunity to research and reflect on how photography and related creative industries companies are structured, network, operate and function. You will employ a range of professional skills and research approaches to enable you to compile a case study that will help you to realise your own pathway to graduate success.CoreMajor Project: Research and Development 2027-28PTG3010MLevel 62027-28In this module you will develop a body of work that spans your final year of undergraduate study. You will propose, research, and develop a self-initiated piece based on your own interests. Throughout the semester you will be supported by a tutor in a mentoring role, offering regular opportunities for guidance and formative feedback. Production on your final year project continues in the ‘Major Project Conclusion and Exhibition’ module.CoreMajor Project: Conclusion 2027-28PTG3011MLevel 62027-28Following on from ‘Major Project Research and Development’ this module is the culmination of your undergraduate studies, bringing together your skills, techniques, and critical understanding into an expansive, independently led project. By utilising appropriate techniques, demonstrating a clear understanding of genre and audience codes, and supporting your work with academically rigorous structure you will create a body of practice you can be proud of and provide yourself with the strongest possible footing for your future career. Throughout this module you will receive continued one on one guidance and support from a member of staff best positioned to help you to get the most from your project. In addition to your individually chosen project outcomes, you work will also be part of a collective, public facing exhibition.CoreProfessional Photography Practice 2027-28PTG3012MLevel 62027-28Professional Photography Practice aims to build on the knowledge gained in Enterprise and Employment Case Studies to enable you to build appropriate tools to support your ability to work in photography and related creative industries. In a range of workshops, you will develop a creative CV, artist's statement, website and social media sites. In addition, you will prepare a portfolio of images and apply to open calls and competitions. The module will also provide you with the opportunity to prepare effectively and professionally for life in the creative industries after university, exploring potential careers and options ensuring that you are fully prepared to connect with potential employers, clients or further your academic studies.CorePhotography Critical Essay 2027-28PTG3014MLevel 62027-28The Critical Essay module presents an opportunity for you to identify and independently research a topic of your own choice. Through a process of self-directed study, you will produce a written academic text, that draws upon the skills of academic writing and contextual knowledge developed on previous modules, the Critical Essay module represents a detailed analysis of your chosen research topic. Potentially, the subject of your critical essay will share common interests with the themes addressed in your primary photographic practice, helping you to develop a stronger critical framework in your photography.OptionalPhotography Dissertation 2027-28PTG3013MLevel 62027-28The Dissertation module presents an opportunity for you to identify and independently research a topic of your choice, over both semesters of the final year of the programme. Drawing upon the skills of academic writing and contextual knowledge developed on previous modules, the Dissertation module represents a rigorous analysis of your chosen research topic. The dissertation module affords you the opportunity to gain an in depth understanding in a photographic field of your choice, often sharing common interests with the themes addressed in your independent practical projects – strengthening the critical underpinnings of your personal practice.OptionalThe Impacts of Photography Case Study 2027-28PTG3015MLevel 62027-28In the Photography Impacts module, you will identify and independently research an exhibition, festival, publication, collective or movement that has had a considerable influence on the development and evolution of photographic practice and culture. Through a process of self-directed study, you will be required to produce a case-study that draws upon the skills of academic writing and research developed on previous modules.Optional


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Presenting Photography 2024-25PTG1020MLevel 42024-25Presenting Photography is an outward facing module that will enable you to work both independently and collaboratively with peers to explore the communication, dissemination, presentation and consumption of contemporary photography practice. You will produce and participate in a presentation, create an online platform showcasing your individual practice as well as creating and producing a group exhibition at the end of the year, based on the work you have created in other practice modules.CoreKey Concepts in Photography 2024-25PTG1015MLevel 42024-25Key Concepts in Photography provides incisive content that covers the essential critical underpinnings that have shaped photographic development and discourse since its inception. You will explore the themes and conceptual ideas that contributed to modernist and postmodern photography and examine semiotics as an analytical framework. The syllabus will build on these foundational ideas to engage with debates on representation, identity, power and aesthetics.CorePhotography and Place 2024-25PTG1016MLevel 42024-25In this practical module, you will be introduced to, and make work informed by the theme of Place. You will have the opportunity to create three short photography projects which may include: Human impact on the landscape The urban landscape Heritage within the landscape By undertaking these projects you will gain knowledge of the historical development of critical, ecological and theoretical themes within photography of place and understand how ethical and creative innovations influence today's generation of landscape image makers. You will will learn a range of practical and technical strategies and methods in order to create work that is informed by research and critical analysis and presented in the context of contemporary audiences.CorePhotography and Documentary 2024-25PTG1019MLevel 42024-25In this module, you will be introduced to the theme of documentary within the context of photography. you will gain knowledge of the historical development of critical and theoretical themes within photojournalism and documentary photography and understand how ethical and creative innovations influence today's generation of documentary image makers. You undertake three short practical projects and learn a range of practical and technical strategies and methods in order to create work within the documentary theme which relate to a contemporary audience.CorePhotography and Fictions 2024-25PTG1018MLevel 42024-25Photography and Fictions will introduce you to methods of practice and critical thought that further your understanding of narrative, ideology and visual language across multiple genres of photography. You will consider key historical and contemporary milestones in the construction of fictional photography, visual metaphor and semiotics. You will study and create diverse photographic responses to staged photography, commercially informed advertising practice and sophisticated sequenced narrative. You will gain an understanding of how ethical and creative innovations influence today's generation of image makers. Through regular critical lectures and practical workshops you will learn a range of skills, technical strategies and methodologies.CorePhotography and Identity 2024-25PTG1017MLevel 42024-25In this module you will be introduced to ideas, techniques and equipment relating to portraiture in photography. Through a series of lectures you will be introduced to the work of specific practitioners which you will respond to during the taught sessions and in your own time. You will learn a range of practical and technical strategies and methods in order to create work that is informed by research and critical analysis and presented in the context of contemporary audiences. There will be three short projects which may include: Studio portrait photography Location Portrait Photography The notion of the self in photographic portraitureCoreWorkflow for Photography 2024-25PTG1021MLevel 42024-25A thorough working knowledge of digital workflow is vital to professional creatives in a wide variety photographic fields, the Workflow for Photography module provides you with the necessary skills in post production, file management and output to make the most of your images. You will be guided through all key stages of photography beyond the shutter press with a series of software demonstration sessions and supervised practical study.CoreWriting about Photography 2024-25PTG1022MLevel 42024-25While studying ‘Writing about photography’ you will learn the art of academic writing in relation to photography. Using a scaffolded learning approach you will be taken through each stage of writing an academic essay in an applied and sequential manner. Taking the position that photography is both document and fiction the module will also explore approaches to writing about photography that adhere to formal academic conventions while remaining open to stylistic experimentation and diversity. ‘Writing About photography’ encourages a community approach to learning through collaboration. In addition, guided learning will provide individual guidance to help support the structuring of academic essay writing on a one to one basis.CoreRethinking Photography 2025-26PTG2020MLevel 52025-26Rethinking Photography encourages you to consider photography beyond genre, to reflect on the nature of lens based image making as a holistic and ever evolving medium of data transmission. Through a varied, syllabus, you will produce multiple practice outcomes, informed by appropriate research and reflection. During the semester you will develop practical skills through regular workshops and critical engagement through thematically diverse lectures and reflective seminars designed to enmesh ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’. Rethinking photography aims to develop your confidence in a range of photographic and intellectual skills, methodologies and informed approaches that best reflect the changing face of the photographically derived image in the Information age.CoreMoving Image for Photographers 2025-26PTG2018MLevel 52025-26‘Moving Image for Photographers’ will enable you to explore, research and develop the production processes involved in making short moving image projects utilising established and emerging contemporary approaches. While studying this module you will propose, create and evaluate a number of moving image projects, explore production roles and work both individually and collaboratively, providing a foundation on which to potentially explore a deeper application of approaches in subsequent modules and in professional practice.CorePhotography and Collaboration 2025-26PTG2019MLevel 52025-26In this module you will engage with a live brief from a number of real world clients as a framework for exploring collaboration in photography. You will actively develop your knowledge and practical understanding of contemporary commercial photography and future employment opportunities within photography and related creative industries by producing a personal journal to take forward into 3rd year professional practice modules.CorePhotography Project 2025-26PTG2023MLevel 52025-26The ‘Photography Project’ module provides an opportunity for autonomy and independent learning through the creation of a self initiated photographic project of your own choice. You will create work that you are passionate about, produced through the application of key practical skills and critical methodologies gained in your studies so far. You will be supported by staff members to create engaging, audience facing photographic work for exhibition, providing a springboard for further progress in your third year of study.CorePhotography Symposium 2025-26PTG2021MLevel 52025-26The syllabus explores contemporary photographic practice in relation to a themed symposium - a space for collaboration, dialogue and the exploration of contemporary photographic discourse. This module focuses on skills in presentation, research and development processes, public speaking skills and further exploration of dialogues within photography. A substantial proportion of the syllabus is student-led, with frequent presentations embedded in the programme to support personal and professional development.CoreResearch Themes in Contemporary Photography 2025-26PTG2022MLevel 52025-26Researrch Themes in Contemporary Photography is delivered online and builds upon your knowledge of how to write about images, and think about photographs, from a critical perspective. The module progresses by addressing different research themes in contemporary photography each week. Through the process of researching key texts in the history of photographic theory, you will be able to interpret the practice of contemporary photographers working with these themes, with greater depth and complexity. The aim of this module is to provide you with an understanding of the major debates that continue to inform contemporary photographic practice. In turn, this will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to situate your photographic practice into an established critical framework.CoreStudy Abroad Photography 2025-26PTG2003MLevel 52025-26OptionalEnterprise & Employment Case Study 2026-27PTG3009MLevel 62026-27This module will give you the opportunity to research and reflect on how photography and related creative industries companies are structured, network, operate and function. You will employ a range of professional skills and research approaches to enable you to compile a case study that will help you to realise your own pathway to graduate success.CoreMajor Project: Research and Development 2026-27PTG3010MLevel 62026-27In this module you will develop a body of work that spans your final year of undergraduate study. You will propose, research, and develop a self-initiated piece based on your own interests. Throughout the semester you will be supported by a tutor in a mentoring role, offering regular opportunities for guidance and formative feedback. Production on your final year project continues in the ‘Major Project Conclusion and Exhibition’ module.CoreMajor Project: Conclusion 2026-27PTG3011MLevel 62026-27Following on from ‘Major Project Research and Development’ this module is the culmination of your undergraduate studies, bringing together your skills, techniques, and critical understanding into an expansive, independently led project. By utilising appropriate techniques, demonstrating a clear understanding of genre and audience codes, and supporting your work with academically rigorous structure you will create a body of practice you can be proud of and provide yourself with the strongest possible footing for your future career. Throughout this module you will receive continued one on one guidance and support from a member of staff best positioned to help you to get the most from your project. In addition to your individually chosen project outcomes, you work will also be part of a collective, public facing exhibition.CoreProfessional Photography Practice 2026-27PTG3012MLevel 62026-27Professional Photography Practice aims to build on the knowledge gained in Enterprise and Employment Case Studies to enable you to build appropriate tools to support your ability to work in photography and related creative industries. In a range of workshops, you will develop a creative CV, artist's statement, website and social media sites. In addition, you will prepare a portfolio of images and apply to open calls and competitions. The module will also provide you with the opportunity to prepare effectively and professionally for life in the creative industries after university, exploring potential careers and options ensuring that you are fully prepared to connect with potential employers, clients or further your academic studies.CorePhotography Critical Essay 2026-27PTG3014MLevel 62026-27The Critical Essay module presents an opportunity for you to identify and independently research a topic of your own choice. Through a process of self-directed study, you will produce a written academic text, that draws upon the skills of academic writing and contextual knowledge developed on previous modules, the Critical Essay module represents a detailed analysis of your chosen research topic. Potentially, the subject of your critical essay will share common interests with the themes addressed in your primary photographic practice, helping you to develop a stronger critical framework in your photography.OptionalPhotography Dissertation 2026-27PTG3013MLevel 62026-27The Dissertation module presents an opportunity for you to identify and independently research a topic of your choice, over both semesters of the final year of the programme. Drawing upon the skills of academic writing and contextual knowledge developed on previous modules, the Dissertation module represents a rigorous analysis of your chosen research topic. The dissertation module affords you the opportunity to gain an in depth understanding in a photographic field of your choice, often sharing common interests with the themes addressed in your independent practical projects – strengthening the critical underpinnings of your personal practice.OptionalThe Impacts of Photography Case Study 2026-27PTG3015MLevel 62026-27In the Photography Impacts module, you will identify and independently research an exhibition, festival, publication, collective or movement that has had a considerable influence on the development and evolution of photographic practice and culture. Through a process of self-directed study, you will be required to produce a case-study that draws upon the skills of academic writing and research developed on previous modules.Optional

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

How you are assessed

Assessment is 100 per cent coursework. The programme is assessed on the basis of coursework which comprises project work and written submissions, and consists of both formative and summative assessment.

Formative feedback guides students on the process of work and takes the form of group and individual discussion. Tutor feedback provides students with guidance on their performance during each module.

Summative assessment occurs at the end of each module. Student work is assessed against clearly defined criteria and learning outcomes. A summative mark is awarded based upon evidence that all criteria have been complied with and all aims and learning outcomes for the assignment have been achieved.

The University of Lincolns policy is to ensure that staff return assessments to students promptly.

How you are assessed

Assessment is 100% coursework. The programme is assessed on the basis of coursework which comprises project work and written submissions, and consists of both formative and summative assessment.

Formative feedback guides students on the process of work and takes the form of group and individual discussion. Tutor feedback provides students with guidance on their performance during each module.

Summative assessment occurs at the end of each module. Student work is assessed against clearly defined criteria and learning outcomes. A summative mark is awarded based upon evidence that all criteria have been complied with and all aims and learning outcomes for the assignment have been achieved.

The University of Lincolns policy is to ensure that staff return assessments to students promptly.

Specialist Facilities

Students on this course have access to a range of specialist facilities and equipment. We have a fully equipped photographic studio with hi-glide lighting track and wireless controlled flash units. We have a film processing area and darkroom with enlargers for 35mm, medium, and large format printing. Students have access to a dedicated print finishing space which houses our Epson and Hasselblad film scanners as well as a large format Canon photo printer. Students are able to access a number of specialist Apple computer labs and each student currently has free access to the Adobe Creative Suite (Including Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premiere Pro) for the duration of their studies. 

Students can benefit from the School's expertise and facilities in sound design and digital film production. They currently have access to Adobe Creative Cloud suite software for the duration of their studies via the media and design labs. Explore our facilities here.

Studying photography at the University of Lincoln was great as it had excellent facilities and the staff helped to further my knowledge on documentary photography. It played a vital part for me to get onto a Master's course and to further my career in the creative industries.

What Can I Do with a Photography Degree?

Graduates of this course have worked with top names and at international events. Graduate Hannah Wilson is currently working at Hello! magazine; Rebecca Jones is working for PHLY post production, editing images for Jaguar Land Rover and Rolls Royce; Craig Clayton was shortlisted for the Association of Photographers Student Awards in 2017; and Dan Medhurst has worked with clients including Adidas, Burberry, Coca-Cola, Diesel, Sony Music, and The Guardian. Graduate Ema Johnston's work has been featured in Loupe Magazine and The Royal Photographic Society magazine. She is currently working in the photography studio at Liberty London.

Entry Requirements 2025-26

United Kingdom

104 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent qualifications.

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction, Merit, Merit.

T Level: Merit

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 104 UCAS Tariff points.

International Baccalaureate: 28 points overall.

GCSE's: Minimum of three at grade 4 or above, which must include English. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We may also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

For applicants who do not meet our standard entry requirements, our Arts Foundation Year can provide an alternative route of entry onto our full degree programmes:

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.

Entry Requirements 2024-25

United Kingdom

104 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels.

International Baccalaureate: Pass Diploma from a minimum of 2 Higher Level subjects.

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction, Merit, Merit or equivalent.

T Level: Merit

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 104 UCAS Tariff points.

Applicants will also need at least three GCSEs at grade 4 or above, which must include English. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We will also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

For applicants who do not meet our standard entry requirements, our Arts Foundation Year can provide an alternative route of entry onto our full degree programmes:

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Find out More by Visiting Us

The best way to find out what it is really like to live and learn at Lincoln is to visit us in person. We offer a range of opportunities across the year to help you to get a real feel for what it might be like to study here.

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Three students walking together on campus in the sunshine
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.