BSc (Hons)
Psychology (Sport and Exercise Psychology)
BSc (Hons)
Psychology (Sport and Exercise Psychology)

Key Information


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Brayford Pool

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Academic Years

Course Overview

The BSc (Hons) Psychology (Sport and Exercise Psychology) programme explores the foundations of psychology in relation to the application of sport and exercise.

The programme closely aligns with our Psychology (BSc) Hons degree, and you will have the opportunity to gain a wealth of theoretical knowledge relating to the science behind how we think, act, and interact with others.

You can also benefit from teaching by academics in the School of Sport and Exercise Science which aim to give you insight into understanding the fundamental role that psychology plays in maximising athletes' sport performance by enhancing physical activity levels and nurturing healthy behaviours.

The programme is taught by research-active academics with specialist expertise in areas such as cognitive neuropsychology, mental health, body image, sport and exercise psychology, and attentional processing. Across the School of Psychology, we also have expertise topics such as mental health, sleep, gambling, and body image which represent modules offered as electives in the third year and enable further specialisation to complement the core programme modules.

Course Overview

The BSc (Hons) Psychology (Sport and Exercise Psychology) programme explores the foundations of psychology in relation to the application of sport and exercise. You will have the opportunity to gain a wealth of theoretical knowledge relating to the science behind how we think, act, and interact with others. You'll be able to build on this foundational knowledge in their second and third years of study with a series of modules delivered by academics from the School of Sport and Exercise Science, which aim to develop your conceptual and practical understanding of the fundamental role that psychology plays in maximising athletes' sport performance, enhancing physical activity levels, and nurturing healthy behaviours.

The programme is taught by research-active academics with specialist expertise in areas such as cognitive neuropsychology, sport and exercise psychology, mental health, body image, and attentional processing.

You can develop the skills to design and conduct your own independent research projects, within an area relevant to your interests with access to the University's range of modern psychology and research laboratories.

Why Choose Lincoln

Accredited by the British Psychological Society

Subject area ranked 3rd overall in the UK*

Conduct research alongside our research-active staff

A range of optional modules

Specialist facilities including sleep, EEG, and psychophysiology labs

International study and work experience options

*Complete University Guide 2025 (out of 56 ranking institutions).

YouTube video for Why Choose Lincoln

How You Study

This course is aimed to reflect current research-informed teaching and innovation to evaluate how psychological knowledge is understood and applied in real-world settings, particularly the fields of sport and exercise.

The first year is designed to provide you with a broad and extensive understanding of the key concepts of psychology and research. The second year builds on these concepts in greater detail to enable you to understand how they can be applied in context. The third year provides the opportunity to tailor your degree towards your interests.

Depending on the level and topic of content, teaching can be delivered in large lectures, small seminars, workshops, computer-based laboratory sessions, and tutorials. Most modules involve two hours a week of timetabled teaching, with independent study expected outside of these hours.

With access to the University's range of modern psychological research laboratories, you can develop the skills to design and conduct an independent research project based on your own interests.

In addition to our work experience opportunities, many modules include employer presentations and activities. Students can also meet employers at our annual Psychology Works careers fair.  

Academic staff hold regular drop-in sessions to support you throughout your course and provide course materials on an online virtual learning environment to support face to face teaching.

How You Study

This course is aimed to reflect current research-informed teaching and innovation to evaluate how psychological knowledge is understood and applied in real-world settings, particularly the fields of sport and exercise.

The first year is designed to provide a broad and extensive understanding of the key concepts of psychology and research. The second year builds on these concepts in greater detail to understand how they can be applied in context. Third year studies provide students with the opportunity to tailor their degree towards their particular interests. You can complete an independent research project, under the supervision of an academic staff member, on a topic of interest.

You'll have the opportunity to learn through a mixture of lecture-based teaching, small group seminar discussions, practical workshops, computer-based labs, and one to one meetings. Most modules have a minimum of two hours per week timetabled teaching time. You'll be expected to contribute to small group sessions and to undertake independent study. Staff use the intranet to provide course materials on an online virtual learning environment to support face to face teaching. This platform can facilitate remote learning if needed. In addition, you can meet with academic staff in regular drop-in sessions.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Brain, Behaviour & Cognition 2025-26PSY1160MLevel 42025-26This module aims to introduce students to a wide range of topics outlining the structure and functions of the brain and nervous system, and the relationship between these brain structures and the behaviours, both covert and overt, resulting from them. The module serves as the foundation for the second year core module in cognition, and a number of elective modules expand on ideas introduced here.CoreConceptual & Historical Issues in Psychology 2025-26PSY1161MLevel 42025-26This module considers the history of psychology, critical psychology, the criteria that we can use to determine whether theories in psychology are scientific or not, and the interaction between psychology and society.CoreDeveloping Individual in Society 2025-26PSY1162MLevel 42025-26This module provides an introduction to three major areas of psychological theory and research, Developmental, Social and Individual psychology. The topics are covered in Semesters A and B respectively and grouped thematically. Content across all topics is embedded in the context of major, relevant general, developmental, social and individual differences theories.CoreFoundations of Applied Psychology 2025-26PSY1163MLevel 42025-26This introductory module aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of how psychology knowledge can be applied to address real world issues. The module is designed to introduce students to the application of psychology by detailing how psychological research is used to make improvements across multiple contexts in our environment.CoreResearch Skills I 2025-26PSY1164MLevel 42025-26This module introduces students to some of the basic concepts underlying the qualitative and quantitative treatment of research data. The module aims to provide the foundations for research in psychology that students will be able to build on during their degree and beyond.CoreResearch Skills II 2025-26PSY1165MLevel 42025-26This module aims to build on the foundations of research methods and statistics from Research Skills I and works to prepare students for more independent and advanced study in Research Skills III and IV. The module provides an introduction to, and experience of, survey and qualitative methods in Psychology, covering study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting. Students are introduced to the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of non-experimental research and have the opportunity to consider practical applications.CoreCognition 2026-27PSY2006MLevel 52026-27The module extends the investigations of cognition that began in the first year. Areas critical to our understanding of cognition are considered in more depth, with consideration of both classic and current research into cognitive processes from both a cognitive and cognitive neuroscience approach.CoreDevelopmental Psychology 2026-27PSY2004MLevel 52026-27This module aims to examine the concepts, theories, research methods and influencing factors in child development relevant to the period from birth to pre-adolescence.CorePsychological Assessment & Psychometrics 2026-27PSY2174MLevel 52026-27The module aims to provide an introduction into psychological assessments using psychometrics, including questionnaires and scales. Based on the established theoretical and research context, this module will consider a range of assessment tools used in psychology to assess an individual’s behaviour or behavioural disposition, and provide an introduction into psychometric test development. The modules also aims to provide students with the opportunity to administer, score, and interpret psychological tests.CoreResearch Skills III 2026-27PSY2175MLevel 52026-27This module aims to build on and develop the experimental research skills that were acquired at Research Skills I. Students are introduced to a range of statistical and non-statistical topics. In parallel, a series of workshops are designed to teach the practical skills associated with experimental design and analysis, and students can also carry out a research project in small groups supervised by members of staff.CoreResearch Skills IV 2026-27PSY2176MLevel 52026-27This module aims to build and develop non-experimental research skills that were acquired at Level 1 (Research Skills I&II). These will include research design, analysis and data handling. In lectures, students are introduced to a range of statistical and non-statistical topics. In parallel, a series of workshops will teach students practical skills associated with non-experimental design and analysis, and students will also carry out a research project in small groups supervised by members of staff.CoreSocial Psychology 2026-27PSY2003MLevel 52026-27This module seeks to explore some of the central issues of social psychology, including how people deal with social information, such as the causes of behaviour and social categories, and how groups function and interact.CoreSport and Exercise Psychology 2026-27SES2005MLevel 52026-27This module aims to build upon knowledge gained in the first year of the course by facilitating a deeper level of knowledge and critical analysis in key areas of sport and exercise psychology. Module content aims to evaluate how psychological knowledge is developed with a critical evaluation of existing knowledge. Key theories can be discussed and evaluated considering existing research evidence. Additionally, several important developing lines of research can be covered with the aim of a move towards understanding how psychology can be applied to aid performance and promote more enjoyable experiences.CoreInternational Study 2026-27PSY2179MLevel 52026-27This optional, year-long module enables students to spend a year studying abroad at one of the University’s approved partner institutions. Eligible students must have completed their second year of study to a satisfactory standard and successfully completed the application process for the year abroad. During the year spent abroad, students share classes with local students and study on a suite of locally-delivered taught modules which have been approved in advance by the University. Upon their return, as part of the assessment for this modules, students are required to critically reflect upon their experience of living and studying in a different cultural environment and the skills acquired.OptionalWork Experience Year 2026-27PSY2187MLevel 52026-27This module aims to create a valuable opportunity for students to gain important insights and improve their skills and prospects relevant to employment or further study (i.e. within psychology or related subject areas) by undertaking relevant work experience.OptionalApplied Sport and Exercise Psychology 2027-28SES3003MLevel 62027-28This optional module aims to develop further understanding of how sport and exercise psychology can be applied to improve and support performance. It seeks to provide an insight into how psychological skills training can be used by athletes from all different levels and how the performer can manage competition and training and enhance performance. Students have the opportunity to consider how to effectively assess an athlete’s psychological profile, and how to design and implement training programmes.CoreIndependent Study (Psychology) 2027-28PSY3121MLevel 62027-28Students will conduct their own research which will culminate in the production of a dissertation. This module is designed to test a student’s ability to identify an appropriate research question and to design and implement an appropriate study.CoreAdvanced Multivariate Statistics 2027-28PSY3006MLevel 62027-28The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive introduction to advanced multivariate techniques. The module seeks to explore the theoretical rationale underpinning each analysis.OptionalAutistic Spectrum Disorders 2027-28PSY3012MLevel 62027-28This module aims to examine the developmental disability of Autism (and Autistic Spectrum Disorders). It aims to cover a range of approaches to understanding Autism, from diagnosis and etiology.OptionalBody image and eating disorders 2027-28PSY3186MLevel 62027-28This module is designed to develop understanding of body image and eating disorders. This module will typically cover their aetiology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment in diverse populations including children, men, BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic)/POC (People of Colour) and LGBTQIA+. The module typically aims to give students an appreciation of the complicated and multi-determined field of body image and eating disorders; as well as the limitations of methodology both for clinical assessment and research paradigms. This module typically further aims to examine attitudes to eating, body shapes and sizes, their driving factors, and challenge the students to analyse and synthesise via exercises in seminars.OptionalClinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2027-28PSY3010MLevel 62027-28This module aims to draw on aspects of cognitive and clinical neuropsychology to examine the consequences of brain dysfunction. A particular focus will be upon the interdependence of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, and it is within this context that the role of neuropsychology in research, diagnosis and patient management can be explored.OptionalCognitive Neuroscience of Visual Attention 2027-28PSY3164MLevel 62027-28This module aims to build on the cognition of visual attention taught in year two. It aims to teach the developing understanding of the biological basis of visual attention. Features, i.e. lines, curve and areas are computed early in the visual system. This is not a passive process. Attention can be shown to influence, at a neurological level, the features that are computed. The module considers how this early processing leads to the representation of real world objects. The locus and functions of top down attentional biasing will also be examined.OptionalCounselling Skills and Theory 2027-28PSY3015MLevel 62027-28This module is designed to introduce students to counselling theories and aims to help to develop introductory communication and counselling skills. A Person-Centred approach to counselling skills will be used and an important aspect of this module will be providing students with the opportunity of development of learning through self-reflection.OptionalCulture and Psychology 2027-28PSY3125MLevel 62027-28This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to discuss concepts, theories and research methods in cross-cultural psychology, including analysis of psychological definitions of culture and cultural variables. Specific topics in social and developmental psychology are considered from a cross-cultural perspective, for example, cultural values, social roles and relationships, family organisation, and selected topics in child development.OptionalDevelopmental Cognitive Neuropsychology 2027-28PSY3011MLevel 62027-28This module offers an in-depth review of the current literature on developmental cognitive neuroscience, using interdisciplinary approaches from research areas of cognitive psychology, neuroscience and child psychology. Students can consider several domains of cognition, such as vision, orienting and attention; memory and learning; knowledge of objects, faces and space. For each of them, consideration is given to questions such as: How is cognitive function represented in the developing brain? What kinds of developmental changes occur? What are the effects of different developing experience, including those presented by genetic deficits, environmental deprivation and brain damage? What is the developmental time course within which such damage can affect cognitive development?OptionalDevelopmental Psychopathology 2027-28PSY3007MLevel 62027-28This module aims to emphasise the importance of a developmental framework for understanding how children come to exhibit adaptive and maladaptive behaviour. The module will seek to address the changing nature of problems, influences and risk factors over the course of development.OptionalDiscourse 2027-28PSY3009MLevel 62027-28This module aims to develop students' knowledge of the development, theory and applications of the Discourse approach, which is a growing field within psychology. The module aims to introduce the Discourse perspective, in which language is seen as a means for people to do social actions: from blamings and invitations, to the establishment and maintenance of social relationships.OptionalFrom Molecules to Mind 2027-28PSY3181MLevel 62027-28This module explores contemporary research and understanding of the mind and brain through examining both molecular (neurotransmitter and drug function) and psychological (processes of sensation, memory, mood, consciousness) evidence.OptionalIntroduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 2027-28PSY3177MLevel 62027-28This module aims to introduce students to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) theory and practice and help them develop introductory therapy skills. Students can learn about the evidence base for CBT for a number of presenting mental health difficulties such as depression and anxiety. The module also looks at the strengths and weaknesses of this therapeutic approach. It offers an introduction to the therapeutic process from the assessment of a person’s mental health difficulty, through to CBT formulations of the presenting problem, some initial insight into CBT interventions, and finally evaluating therapy. Students are taught within the reflective scientist-practitioner framework, which informs undergraduate psychology degrees at the University.OptionalInvestigative and Courtroom Psychology 2027-28PSY3178MLevel 62027-28The module aims to introduce some of the key areas in Forensic Psychology that occur during the pre-conviction stage of a criminal investigation. Specifically, the module will focus on the police investigation and courtroom stage of the criminal process. It will explore a variety of established theoretical work and research within these domains and consider how this knowledge can be used to inform several key areas of the criminal investigation. The module will highlight the applied importance of Psychology to significant issues in the real-world.OptionalOccupational Psychology 2027-28PSY3173MLevel 62027-28This module is designed to provide a broad overview of this sub-field, which can be divided into three main areas; job related issues, inter and intra psychological issues, and workplace psychology. Theories from mainstream psychology aim to form the basis for a detailed discussion of key topics in occupational psychology.OptionalPerception and Visual Art 2027-28PSY3174MLevel 62027-28This module presents a broad overview of these findings and theoretical perspectives, and considers how they help us to deepen our understanding of visual art. Students critically evaluate scientific approaches to understanding art during seminar discussions, and are encouraged to find and bring relevant examples of visual art to the discussion.OptionalPsychology of Music 2027-28PSY3180MLevel 62027-28This is a module designed to help students to develop their knowledge of human interactions and responses to music. Students will consider the ways in which we engage with, listen to, perform, and learn about music. It will aim to provide a better understanding the role music plays in attachment, emotion regulation, social affiliation, the neurological overlap between music and language processing, and the development of humans as a species who enjoy music. Through explaining the research underlying the Psychology of Music we also aim to provide an understanding of how this field builds on and connects with other areas in psychology.OptionalPsychopharmacology: Drugs, Brain and Behaviour 2027-28PSY3021MLevel 62027-28This module aims to explore the science behind the effects that drugs have on mood, sensation, thinking and behaviour. The history and actions of medications currently in use for the treatment of mental health disorders will be described along with an overview of the known actions and effects of illicit drug compounds.OptionalRisk Perception, Assessment and Management 2027-28PSY3003MLevel 62027-28This module is designed to give students the opportunity to develop a critical awareness and understanding of psychological issues typically related to the assessment, perception, communication, management and governing of risk as it affects professional practices in such areas as public health, politics, the environment, science and technology, corporate communication, and clinical/forensic psychology.OptionalSleep, Cognition and Well-Being 2027-28PSY3179MLevel 62027-28This module examines the potential benefits of sleep, focusing in particular on two areas. The role of sleep in memory and cognition will be explored in depth, followed by a wider examination of other benefits of sleep for well-being, which may include effects on mood, physical health and aspects of behaviour. Students will be introduced to the way in which sleep can benefit cognition and well-being and the experimental paradigms used to demonstrate this. The aims of the module are to consider in depth the potential role of sleep in both cognition and well-being, and develop the skills and knowledge that will enable the critique of the different approaches taken in this field leading to the ability to interpret and integrate current research findings and design original further research studies.OptionalSleep, Dreaming and Circadian Rhythms 2027-28PSY3175MLevel 62027-28This module aims to build on the module, Brain Behaviour & Cognition. It applies that background knowledge to the topic of Sleep, Dreaming and Circadian Rhythms. The module aims to introduce students to the neurobiology of sleep and dreams. It also aims to integrate current understanding of key issues in sleep research such as the purpose of sleep and the role of dreams.OptionalSocial Cognitive Neuroscience 2027-28PSY3165MLevel 62027-28This module is designed to introduce the background, theories and techniques of Social cognitive neuroscience. SCN seeks to understand socioemotional phenomena in terms of interactions between the social (socioemotional cues, contexts, experiences, and behaviors), cognitive (information processing mechanisms), and neural (brain bases) levels of analysis.OptionalSolution Focused Coaching in Practice 2027-28PSY3190MLevel 62027-28This module provides an introduction to Solution Focused Coaching theories and practically trains you in basic implementation of Solution Focused Coaching skills. In addition, the module stresses the development of self-reflection, and experiential learning from practice. To this end the module describes and evaluates a range of solution focused coaching skills, and teaches the use and understanding of models of reflective practice applicable to professional coaching. The module will cover issues including contracting in solution focused coaching, the miracle question and constructing an agreed future, exception/instance finding and expansion, scaling techniques for coaching progress, concluding solution focused sessions, plus experiential and reflective learning models.OptionalVision Research 2027-28PSY3131MLevel 62027-28This module aims to represent advances in vision research through the research contributions made by staff delivering the module. Emphasis is placed on methodology and the results they generate and how these are used to in turn to both inform and challenge conventional theory.Optional


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Brain, Behaviour & Cognition 2024-25PSY1160MLevel 42024-25This module aims to introduce students to a wide range of topics outlining the structure and functions of the brain and nervous system, and the relationship between these brain structures and the behaviours, both covert and overt, resulting from them. The module serves as the foundation for the second year core module in cognition, and a number of elective modules expand on ideas introduced here.CoreConceptual & Historical Issues in Psychology 2024-25PSY1161MLevel 42024-25This module considers the history of psychology, critical psychology, the criteria that we can use to determine whether theories in psychology are scientific or not, and the interaction between psychology and society.CoreDeveloping Individual in Society 2024-25PSY1162MLevel 42024-25This module provides an introduction to three major areas of psychological theory and research, Developmental, Social and Individual psychology. The topics are covered in Semesters A and B respectively and grouped thematically. Content across all topics is embedded in the context of major, relevant general, developmental, social and individual differences theories.CoreFoundations of Applied Psychology 2024-25PSY1163MLevel 42024-25This introductory module aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of how psychology knowledge can be applied to address real world issues. The module is designed to introduce students to the application of psychology by detailing how psychological research is used to make improvements across multiple contexts in our environment.CoreResearch Skills I 2024-25PSY1164MLevel 42024-25This module introduces students to some of the basic concepts underlying the qualitative and quantitative treatment of research data. The module aims to provide the foundations for research in psychology that students will be able to build on during their degree and beyond.CoreResearch Skills II 2024-25PSY1165MLevel 42024-25This module aims to build on the foundations of research methods and statistics from Research Skills I and works to prepare students for more independent and advanced study in Research Skills III and IV. The module provides an introduction to, and experience of, survey and qualitative methods in Psychology, covering study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and reporting. Students are introduced to the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of non-experimental research and have the opportunity to consider practical applications.CoreCognition 2025-26PSY2006MLevel 52025-26The module extends the investigations of cognition that began in the first year. Areas critical to our understanding of cognition are considered in more depth, with consideration of both classic and current research into cognitive processes from both a cognitive and cognitive neuroscience approach.CoreDevelopmental Psychology 2025-26PSY2004MLevel 52025-26This module aims to examine the concepts, theories, research methods and influencing factors in child development relevant to the period from birth to pre-adolescence.CorePsychological Assessment & Psychometrics 2025-26PSY2174MLevel 52025-26The module aims to provide an introduction into psychological assessments using psychometrics, including questionnaires and scales. Based on the established theoretical and research context, this module will consider a range of assessment tools used in psychology to assess an individual’s behaviour or behavioural disposition, and provide an introduction into psychometric test development. The modules also aims to provide students with the opportunity to administer, score, and interpret psychological tests.CoreResearch Skills III 2025-26PSY2175MLevel 52025-26This module aims to build on and develop the experimental research skills that were acquired at Research Skills I. Students are introduced to a range of statistical and non-statistical topics. In parallel, a series of workshops are designed to teach the practical skills associated with experimental design and analysis, and students can also carry out a research project in small groups supervised by members of staff.CoreResearch Skills IV 2025-26PSY2176MLevel 52025-26This module aims to build and develop non-experimental research skills that were acquired at Level 1 (Research Skills I&II). These will include research design, analysis and data handling. In lectures, students are introduced to a range of statistical and non-statistical topics. In parallel, a series of workshops will teach students practical skills associated with non-experimental design and analysis, and students will also carry out a research project in small groups supervised by members of staff.CoreSocial Psychology 2025-26PSY2003MLevel 52025-26This module seeks to explore some of the central issues of social psychology, including how people deal with social information, such as the causes of behaviour and social categories, and how groups function and interact.CoreSport and Exercise Psychology 2025-26SES2005MLevel 52025-26This module aims to build upon knowledge gained in the first year of the course by facilitating a deeper level of knowledge and critical analysis in key areas of sport and exercise psychology. Module content aims to evaluate how psychological knowledge is developed with a critical evaluation of existing knowledge. Key theories can be discussed and evaluated considering existing research evidence. Additionally, several important developing lines of research can be covered with the aim of a move towards understanding how psychology can be applied to aid performance and promote more enjoyable experiences.CoreInternational Study 2025-26PSY2179MLevel 52025-26This optional, year-long module enables students to spend a year studying abroad at one of the University’s approved partner institutions. Eligible students must have completed their second year of study to a satisfactory standard and successfully completed the application process for the year abroad. During the year spent abroad, students share classes with local students and study on a suite of locally-delivered taught modules which have been approved in advance by the University. Upon their return, as part of the assessment for this modules, students are required to critically reflect upon their experience of living and studying in a different cultural environment and the skills acquired.OptionalWork Experience Year 2025-26PSY2187MLevel 52025-26This module aims to create a valuable opportunity for students to gain important insights and improve their skills and prospects relevant to employment or further study (i.e. within psychology or related subject areas) by undertaking relevant work experience.OptionalApplied Sport and Exercise Psychology 2026-27SES3003MLevel 62026-27This optional module aims to develop further understanding of how sport and exercise psychology can be applied to improve and support performance. It seeks to provide an insight into how psychological skills training can be used by athletes from all different levels and how the performer can manage competition and training and enhance performance. Students have the opportunity to consider how to effectively assess an athlete’s psychological profile, and how to design and implement training programmes.CoreIndependent Study (Psychology) 2026-27PSY3121MLevel 62026-27Students will conduct their own research which will culminate in the production of a dissertation. This module is designed to test a student’s ability to identify an appropriate research question and to design and implement an appropriate study.CoreAdvanced Multivariate Statistics 2026-27PSY3006MLevel 62026-27The aim of this module is to provide a comprehensive introduction to advanced multivariate techniques. The module seeks to explore the theoretical rationale underpinning each analysis.OptionalAutistic Spectrum Disorders 2026-27PSY3012MLevel 62026-27This module aims to examine the developmental disability of Autism (and Autistic Spectrum Disorders). It aims to cover a range of approaches to understanding Autism, from diagnosis and etiology.OptionalBody image and eating disorders 2026-27PSY3186MLevel 62026-27This module is designed to develop understanding of body image and eating disorders. This module will typically cover their aetiology, diagnosis, assessment, and treatment in diverse populations including children, men, BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic)/POC (People of Colour) and LGBTQIA+. The module typically aims to give students an appreciation of the complicated and multi-determined field of body image and eating disorders; as well as the limitations of methodology both for clinical assessment and research paradigms. This module typically further aims to examine attitudes to eating, body shapes and sizes, their driving factors, and challenge the students to analyse and synthesise via exercises in seminars.OptionalClinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2026-27PSY3010MLevel 62026-27This module aims to draw on aspects of cognitive and clinical neuropsychology to examine the consequences of brain dysfunction. A particular focus will be upon the interdependence of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, and it is within this context that the role of neuropsychology in research, diagnosis and patient management can be explored.OptionalCognitive Neuroscience of Visual Attention 2026-27PSY3164MLevel 62026-27This module aims to build on the cognition of visual attention taught in year two. It aims to teach the developing understanding of the biological basis of visual attention. Features, i.e. lines, curve and areas are computed early in the visual system. This is not a passive process. Attention can be shown to influence, at a neurological level, the features that are computed. The module considers how this early processing leads to the representation of real world objects. The locus and functions of top down attentional biasing will also be examined.OptionalCounselling Skills and Theory 2026-27PSY3015MLevel 62026-27This module is designed to introduce students to counselling theories and aims to help to develop introductory communication and counselling skills. A Person-Centred approach to counselling skills will be used and an important aspect of this module will be providing students with the opportunity of development of learning through self-reflection.OptionalCulture and Psychology 2026-27PSY3125MLevel 62026-27This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to discuss concepts, theories and research methods in cross-cultural psychology, including analysis of psychological definitions of culture and cultural variables. Specific topics in social and developmental psychology are considered from a cross-cultural perspective, for example, cultural values, social roles and relationships, family organisation, and selected topics in child development.OptionalDevelopmental Cognitive Neuropsychology 2026-27PSY3011MLevel 62026-27This module offers an in-depth review of the current literature on developmental cognitive neuroscience, using interdisciplinary approaches from research areas of cognitive psychology, neuroscience and child psychology. Students can consider several domains of cognition, such as vision, orienting and attention; memory and learning; knowledge of objects, faces and space. For each of them, consideration is given to questions such as: How is cognitive function represented in the developing brain? What kinds of developmental changes occur? What are the effects of different developing experience, including those presented by genetic deficits, environmental deprivation and brain damage? What is the developmental time course within which such damage can affect cognitive development?OptionalDevelopmental Psychopathology 2026-27PSY3007MLevel 62026-27This module aims to emphasise the importance of a developmental framework for understanding how children come to exhibit adaptive and maladaptive behaviour. The module will seek to address the changing nature of problems, influences and risk factors over the course of development.OptionalDiscourse 2026-27PSY3009MLevel 62026-27This module aims to develop students' knowledge of the development, theory and applications of the Discourse approach, which is a growing field within psychology. The module aims to introduce the Discourse perspective, in which language is seen as a means for people to do social actions: from blamings and invitations, to the establishment and maintenance of social relationships.OptionalFrom Molecules to Mind 2026-27PSY3181MLevel 62026-27This module explores contemporary research and understanding of the mind and brain through examining both molecular (neurotransmitter and drug function) and psychological (processes of sensation, memory, mood, consciousness) evidence.OptionalIntroduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 2026-27PSY3177MLevel 62026-27This module aims to introduce students to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) theory and practice and help them develop introductory therapy skills. Students can learn about the evidence base for CBT for a number of presenting mental health difficulties such as depression and anxiety. The module also looks at the strengths and weaknesses of this therapeutic approach. It offers an introduction to the therapeutic process from the assessment of a person’s mental health difficulty, through to CBT formulations of the presenting problem, some initial insight into CBT interventions, and finally evaluating therapy. Students are taught within the reflective scientist-practitioner framework, which informs undergraduate psychology degrees at the University.OptionalInvestigative and Courtroom Psychology 2026-27PSY3178MLevel 62026-27The module aims to introduce some of the key areas in Forensic Psychology that occur during the pre-conviction stage of a criminal investigation. Specifically, the module will focus on the police investigation and courtroom stage of the criminal process. It will explore a variety of established theoretical work and research within these domains and consider how this knowledge can be used to inform several key areas of the criminal investigation. The module will highlight the applied importance of Psychology to significant issues in the real-world.OptionalOccupational Psychology 2026-27PSY3173MLevel 62026-27This module is designed to provide a broad overview of this sub-field, which can be divided into three main areas; job related issues, inter and intra psychological issues, and workplace psychology. Theories from mainstream psychology aim to form the basis for a detailed discussion of key topics in occupational psychology.OptionalPerception and Visual Art 2026-27PSY3174MLevel 62026-27OptionalPsychology of Music 2026-27PSY3180MLevel 62026-27This is a module designed to help students to develop their knowledge of human interactions and responses to music. Students will consider the ways in which we engage with, listen to, perform, and learn about music. It will aim to provide a better understanding the role music plays in attachment, emotion regulation, social affiliation, the neurological overlap between music and language processing, and the development of humans as a species who enjoy music. Through explaining the research underlying the Psychology of Music we also aim to provide an understanding of how this field builds on and connects with other areas in psychology.OptionalPsychopharmacology: Drugs, Brain and Behaviour 2026-27PSY3021MLevel 62026-27This module aims to explore the science behind the effects that drugs have on mood, sensation, thinking and behaviour. The history and actions of medications currently in use for the treatment of mental health disorders will be described along with an overview of the known actions and effects of illicit drug compounds.OptionalRisk Perception, Assessment and Management 2026-27PSY3003MLevel 62026-27This module is designed to give students the opportunity to develop a critical awareness and understanding of psychological issues typically related to the assessment, perception, communication, management and governing of risk as it affects professional practices in such areas as public health, politics, the environment, science and technology, corporate communication, and clinical/forensic psychology.OptionalSleep, Cognition and Well-Being 2026-27PSY3179MLevel 62026-27This module examines the potential benefits of sleep, focusing in particular on two areas. The role of sleep in memory and cognition will be explored in depth, followed by a wider examination of other benefits of sleep for well-being, which may include effects on mood, physical health and aspects of behaviour. Students will be introduced to the way in which sleep can benefit cognition and well-being and the experimental paradigms used to demonstrate this. The aims of the module are to consider in depth the potential role of sleep in both cognition and well-being, and develop the skills and knowledge that will enable the critique of the different approaches taken in this field leading to the ability to interpret and integrate current research findings and design original further research studies.OptionalSleep, Dreaming and Circadian Rhythms 2026-27PSY3175MLevel 62026-27This module aims to build on the module, Brain Behaviour & Cognition. It applies that background knowledge to the topic of Sleep, Dreaming and Circadian Rhythms. The module aims to introduce students to the neurobiology of sleep and dreams. It also aims to integrate current understanding of key issues in sleep research such as the purpose of sleep and the role of dreams.OptionalSocial Cognitive Neuroscience 2026-27PSY3165MLevel 62026-27This module is designed to introduce the background, theories and techniques of Social cognitive neuroscience. SCN seeks to understand socioemotional phenomena in terms of interactions between the social (socioemotional cues, contexts, experiences, and behaviors), cognitive (information processing mechanisms), and neural (brain bases) levels of analysis.OptionalSolution Focused Coaching in Practice 2026-27PSY3190MLevel 62026-27This module provides an introduction to Solution Focused Coaching theories and practically trains you in basic implementation of Solution Focused Coaching skills. In addition, the module stresses the development of self-reflection, and experiential learning from practice. To this end the module describes and evaluates a range of solution focused coaching skills, and teaches the use and understanding of models of reflective practice applicable to professional coaching. The module will cover issues including contracting in solution focused coaching, the miracle question and constructing an agreed future, exception/instance finding and expansion, scaling techniques for coaching progress, concluding solution focused sessions, plus experiential and reflective learning models.OptionalVision Research 2026-27PSY3131MLevel 62026-27This module aims to represent advances in vision research through the research contributions made by staff delivering the module. Emphasis is placed on methodology and the results they generate and how these are used to in turn to both inform and challenge conventional theory.Optional

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

International Study and Work Experience

You can choose to take a year out between year two and your final year of study. You'll be able to select one of the following options:

International Study

This option provides an opportunity to explore study in a new overseas culture and environment at one of the University's approved partner institutions. Choosing this option leads to (International Study) being added to your award title upon successful completion of the course. You can find out more on our Global Opportunities webpage.

A Study Abroad Tuition Fee is payable to the University of Lincoln during this year for students joining in 2025/26 and beyond. No extra tuition fee is payable to the host university, but students are expected to cover their own travel, accommodation, and living costs. Travel grants and an overseas rate maintenance loan may be available for eligible students from Student Finance. The University’s Global Opportunities Team can provide further support and guidance.   

Work Experience

This option offers the opportunity to enhance your personal and professional development by gaining experience in a real workplace setting, which could help develop the skills relevant to future employment or further study. Selecting this option leads to (Work Experience) being added to your award title upon successful completion of the course.

A Placement Year Fee is payable to the University of Lincoln during this year for students joining in 2025/26 and beyond. Students are expected to cover their own travel, accommodation, and living costs.

My undergraduate psychology degree gave me a solid base in psychological theories and research, whilst allowing me the chance to develop my interests in specific areas, such as sport and mental health.

How you are assessed

The aims of the module assessments are to measure the development and attainment of course outcomes, including the developing key skills such as critical analysis and evaluation.

Examples of common assessment methods include essays, in-class tests, research reports, research diaries, research or clinical proposals, practical case studies, and dissertations. Furthermore, practical exams, such as poster and oral presentations, performances or observations; and written exams (including essay-based exams), such as formal examinations or in-class tests, may also be used.

How you are assessed

The aims of the module assessments are to measure the development and attainment of course outcomes, including the developing key skills such as critical analysis and evaluation.

BPS Accreditation

The course is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) as conferring eligibility for the Graduate Basis for Chartered membership (GBC) the first step towards becoming a chartered psychologist. The BPS is the main professional body representing psychology and psychologists in the UK.

More Information
BPS Logo

Extracurricular Activities

New students can join groups within the school including those that support LGBTQIA+, disability, BAME, mature students, commuters, and carers. 

Students can also join DigiPsych, our online magazine run for students by students in the School of Psychology. DigiPsych publishes content that may be of interest to psychology students including reviews of psychological and non-psychological articles, stories, and opinion pieces.

Moreover, we have a weekly programme of guest lecturers invited from all over the world. Previous speakers for our special Lincoln International Seminars include Elizabeth Loftus.

To give students insight into industry and current research, we host regular guest lectures and speakers form across the world to share their knowledge and research. We also encourage our students to network with our alumni who can offer mentoring to our current students.


Our School aims to produce critical thinkers and independent researchers who are able to tackle psychological problems and issues using a systematic, critical, and analytical approach. 

As part of this process, first year students undertake training in areas important to psychological research, such as using statistics software. In the second year, students may be able to utilise these skills by working alongside an academic supervisor to conduct an original research project. This culminates with students being able to undertake a substantial research study of their own for the dissertation component of their degree.

In addition to the taught components of research, students are encouraged to participate in the research culture of the School more broadly, with the opportunity to be involved as volunteers in research activities, such as our Summer Scientist programme, and to compete for paid studentships offered by the University of Lincoln and the British Psychological Society to conduct further research over the summer, typically in between the second and third year of the course.

We also have a number of active research groups within the school. These are conducting exciting research into areas such as developmental, cognitive, social, forensic, and psychological health within the school, and you can read more on our Research webpage The School of Psychology also shares close working links with the School of Sport and Exercise Science, and contributes to various sport and psychology research.

What Can I Do with a Psychology (Sport and Exercise Psychology) Degree?

This programme provides Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of the British Psychological Society (BPS). As a graduate, you can consider further professional training within various fields of psychology, such as clinical, health, sport and exercise, counselling, occupational, educational, forensic, neuropsychology, and academic research or teaching. Other graduates may wish to progress to study at postgraduate level. Specifically, sport and exercise psychologists help athletes improve their performance. In most sport psychology careers, you may work with athletes regarding motivation, stress management, effective teamwork, and other psychological factors affecting their athletic performance. 

Since graduating I have worked in clinical psychology as an assistant psychologist, during which I utilised the research, analysis and report writing skills learned in my time at Lincoln.

Entry Requirements 2025-26

United Kingdom

112 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent qualifications.

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction, Merit, Merit.

T Level: Merit.

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 112 UCAS Tariff points.

International Baccalaureate: 29 points overall.

GCSE's: Minimum of three at grade 4 or above, which must include English and Maths or Statistics. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may also be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We may also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non-UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

In addition to meeting the academic requirements, overseas students will also be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. Please visit our English language requirements page for a full list of the English qualifications we accept.

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

Can we help? The University of Lincoln offer a dedicated support service for overseas students. If you have any questions about your qualifications, or would like assistance in submitting your application, please contact our

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.

Entry Requirements 2024-25

United Kingdom

112 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels.

International Baccalaureate: Pass Diploma from a minimum of 2 Higher Level subjects.

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction, Merit, Merit or equivalent.

Access to Higher Education Diploma:  45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 112 UCAS Tariff points.

Applicants will also need at least three GCSEs at grade 4 or above, which must include English and Maths or Statistics. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may also be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We will also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non-UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

In addition to meeting the academic requirements, overseas students will also be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. Please visit our English language requirements page for a full list of the English qualifications we accept.

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-sessional English and Academic Study Skills courses.

Can we help? The University of Lincoln offer a dedicated support service for overseas students. If you have any questions about your qualifications, or would like assistance in submitting your application, please contact our

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Find out More by Visiting Us

The best way to find out what it is really like to live and learn at Lincoln is to visit us in person. We offer a range of opportunities across the year to help you to get a real feel for what it might be like to study here.

Book Your Place
Three students walking together on campus in the sunshine
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.