Key Information


Brayford Pool

Start Date

September 2025 and January 2026

Typical Offer

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1 year


2 years

Validation Status

Subject to Revalidation


Brayford Pool

Start Date

January 2025

Typical Offer

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1 year


2 years

Academic Years

Course Overview

MSc Marketing at the University of Lincoln gives students the opportunity to prepare themselves for a career in marketing by developing their understanding of marketing theory and acquire important skills that are necessary in today's marketing environment, such as team working, written and oral presentations, and analysis of data for strategic thinking.

The programme is taught by a team of experienced academics and practitioners, helping students to acquire and advance the knowledge that will be useful in their academic as well as business careers. Students will have the chance to hear from guest speakers working in industry and may work on live projects provided by external businesses. Students can also take part field trips in the UK or abroad.

Course Overview

MSc Marketing at the University of Lincoln gives students the opportunity to prepare themselves for a career in marketing by developing their understanding of marketing theory and acquire important skills that are necessary in today's marketing environment, such as team working, written and oral presentations, and analysis of data for strategic thinking.

The programme is taught by a team of experienced academics and practitioners, helping students to acquire and advance the knowledge that will be useful in their academic as well as business careers. Students will have the chance to hear from guest speakers working in industry and may work on live projects provided by external businesses. Students can also take part field trips in the UK or abroad.

Why Choose Lincoln

Explore key marketing theories and practices

Work on live briefs with local companies

Hear from expert industry speakers

Benefit from a range of specialist modules

Complete an extended project in a specialist area

Students in a lecture

How You Study

MSc Marketing aims to reflect current marketing practice and thinking within the academic discipline. The modules on this programme have been designed to incorporate the current developments in the marketing industry through the presentation of real-world examples and case studies. Students are expected to actively participate in lectures and seminars so that they can relate theories to practice.

Each module typically consists of two weekly teaching hours over a teaching term. Four modules are usually studied per term, equating to eight hours per week. Hours of study may vary from term to term and can be spread throughout the week.

Postgraduate level study involves a significant proportion of independent study, exploring the material covered in lectures and seminars. As a general guide, for every hour spent in class, students are expected to spend four to five hours in independent study. For more detailed information please contact the Programme Leader.

How You Study

MSc Marketing aims to reflect current marketing practice and thinking within the academic discipline. The modules on this programme have been designed to incorporate the current developments in the marketing industry through the presentation of real-world examples and case studies. Students are expected to actively participate in lectures and seminars so that they can relate theories to practice.

Each module typically consists of two weekly teaching hours over a teaching term. Four modules are usually studied per term, equating to eight hours per week. Hours of study may vary from term to term and can be spread throughout the week.

Postgraduate level study involves a significant proportion of independent study, exploring the material covered in lectures and seminars. As a general guide, for every hour spent in class, students are expected to spend four to five hours in independent study. For more detailed information please contact the Programme Leader.

Looking for Online Study?

Find out more about our online MSc Management with Marketing programme, delivered part-time over two years.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Brand Management 2025-26MKT9206MLevel 72025-26Brands are ubiquitous in our current world and influence our consumption behaviour in both indirect and direct ways. This module provides students with the opportunity to develop a critical understanding of the different elements of branding including brand value, identity, and associations. The lectures focus on branding theory while the seminars involve case analysis with an emphasis on applying theoretical knowledge to real-life situations.CoreConsumer Behaviour 2025-26MKT9117MLevel 72025-26This module aims to introduce consumer learning, attitude formation and change, and the complex consumer decision making process, which are illustrated by examples from multiple sectors including retail and tourism.CoreDigital Marketing 2025-26MKT9118MLevel 72025-26This module provides the opportunity to explore how the increasing pressures and opportunities created by new media formats and electronic communication tools are shaping marketing strategy. The module covers themes such as social media marketing, mobile marketing, data analytics, and digital marketing campaigns.CoreFinal Project 2025-26MKT9718Level 72025-26The final project provides an opportunity for students with a range of experiences and interests to apply and develop their existing skills and knowledge to an independent study project, which affords an opportunity for both the expression of original thought and creativity, together with the application of analytical skills and critical reasoning. Our approach to research projects is to facilitate innovative approaches and diverse pathways to the final assessed piece of work.CoreFinance and accounting 2025-26ACC9011MLevel 72025-26This module is designed to introduce concepts and techniques for costing and break-even analysis and brings in the notion of pricing from a larger viewpoint in the market as well as from a strategic management view. Later, the module aims to cover the topics of financial analysis and the sources of finance.CoreGlobal Relationship Marketing 2025-26MKT9115MLevel 72025-26Relationship marketing can be seen as the process of creating added value for organisations by managing their connections with internal and external stakeholders. This can include customers, employees, suppliers and distributors. Central to the module is the development of a perspective that sees an increasing role for co-creation with consumers in relationships and the effective implementation of appropriate customer experiences.CoreInternational Marketing and Customers 2025-26MKT9124MLevel 72025-26The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of marketing concepts applied in an international context. The module is designed to provide students with a clear comprehension of marketing tools available and their use within an international environment, understanding the cultural diversity of their customers.CoreMarketing Communications 2025-26MKT9125MLevel 72025-26Marketing communications is the process of informing, persuading and reminding customers, intermediaries, employers, and publics of a company’s product and or services. The module aims to define the task of communications from a managerial perspective within an international context. The module principally focuses upon the nature of the communication process, the obstacles that are encountered in international communication and the ways in which these problems are overcome.CoreSustainability & Responsibility in Marketing 2025-26MKT9122MLevel 72025-26This module aims to introduce some critical perspectives towards marketing and potential solutions. The module considers the role and ethics of marketing and presents an overview of the some of the pertinent ecological and social problems facing businesses and marketers today. It aims to provide suggestions as to the positive role marketing could play in society.Core


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Brand Management 2024-25MKT9206MLevel 72024-25Brands are ubiquitous in our current world and influence our consumption behaviour in both indirect and direct ways. This module provides students with the opportunity to develop a critical understanding of the different elements of branding including brand value, identity, and associations. The lectures focus on branding theory while the seminars involve case analysis with an emphasis on applying theoretical knowledge to real-life situations.CoreConsumer Behaviour 2024-25MKT9117MLevel 72024-25This module aims to introduce consumer learning, attitude formation and change, and the complex consumer decision making process, which are illustrated by examples from multiple sectors including retail and tourism.CoreDigital Marketing 2024-25MKT9118MLevel 72024-25This module provides the opportunity to explore how the increasing pressures and opportunities created by new media formats and electronic communication tools are shaping marketing strategy. The module covers themes such as social media marketing, mobile marketing, data analytics, and digital marketing campaigns.CoreFinal Project 2024-25MKT9718Level 72024-25The final project provides an opportunity for students with a range of experiences and interests to apply and develop their existing skills and knowledge to an independent study project, which affords an opportunity for both the expression of original thought and creativity, together with the application of analytical skills and critical reasoning. Our approach to research projects is to facilitate innovative approaches and diverse pathways to the final assessed piece of work.CoreFinance and accounting 2024-25ACC9011MLevel 72024-25This module is designed to introduce concepts and techniques for costing and break-even analysis and brings in the notion of pricing from a larger viewpoint in the market as well as from a strategic management view. Later, the module aims to cover the topics of financial analysis and the sources of finance.CoreGlobal Relationship Marketing 2024-25MKT9115MLevel 72024-25Relationship marketing can be seen as the process of creating added value for organisations by managing their connections with internal and external stakeholders. This can include customers, employees, suppliers and distributors. Central to the module is the development of a perspective that sees an increasing role for co-creation with consumers in relationships and the effective implementation of appropriate customer experiences.CoreInternational Marketing and Customers 2024-25MKT9124MLevel 72024-25The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of marketing concepts applied in an international context. The module is designed to provide students with a clear comprehension of marketing tools available and their use within an international environment, understanding the cultural diversity of their customers.CoreMarketing Communications 2024-25MKT9125MLevel 72024-25Marketing communications is the process of informing, persuading and reminding customers, intermediaries, employers, and publics of a company’s product and or services. The module aims to define the task of communications from a managerial perspective within an international context. The module principally focuses upon the nature of the communication process, the obstacles that are encountered in international communication and the ways in which these problems are overcome.CoreSustainability & Responsibility in Marketing 2024-25MKT9122MLevel 72024-25This module aims to introduce some critical perspectives towards marketing and potential solutions. The module considers the role and ethics of marketing and presents an overview of the some of the pertinent ecological and social problems facing businesses and marketers today. It aims to provide suggestions as to the positive role marketing could play in society.Core

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

How you are assessed

A range of assessments are used in different modules, giving students the best chance to develop skills that are highly valued in business. Among the different assessment methods used are oral presentations, assignments, and exams.

The University of Lincoln's policy on assessment feedback aims to ensure that academics will return in-course assessments to students promptly - usually within 15 working days of the submission date.

How you are assessed

A range of assessments are used in different modules, giving students the best chance to develop skills that are highly valued in business. Among the different assessment methods used are oral presentations, assignments, and exams.

The University of Lincoln's policy on assessment feedback aims to ensure that academics will return in-course assessments to students promptly - usually within 15 working days of the submission date.

Marketing Research Group

Our academics are involved in the University of Lincoln’s Marketing Research Group, which aims to enhance knowledge and offer insights for marketing and consumer studies in various local or global contexts. Research puts an emphasis on creating and fostering sustainable values and resources for markets, consumers, and related stakeholders.

Explore Our Research
Three students working on laptops in a seminar room

Industry Expertise

Guest lectures with industry experts are organised in different modules of the programme. For some of the modules, students may be provided with a live brief from a local company on which they will work for their assessment. The offer of live briefs is subject to business availability.

How to Apply

Postgraduate Application Support

Applying for a postgraduate programme at Lincoln is easy. Find out more about the application process and what you'll need to complete on our How to Apply page. Here, you'll also be able to find out more about the entry requirements we accept and how to contact us for dedicated support during the process.

How to Apply
A student listening in a seminar

January Starts 2025

Please note that this course is also available for a January 2025 start. View a full list of courses with January start dates.

Entry Requirements 2025-26

Entry Requirements

A second class honours degree or equivalent.

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-session English and Academic Study Skills courses. . These specialist courses are designed to help students meet the English language requirements for their intended programme of study.

January Starts 2025

Please note that this course is also available for a January 2025 start. View a full list of courses with January start dates.

Entry Requirements 2024-25

Entry Requirements

A second class honours degree or equivalent.

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-session English and Academic Study Skills courses. . These specialist courses are designed to help students meet the English language requirements for their intended programme of study.

Course Fees

You will need to have funding in place for your studies before you arrive at the University. Our fees vary depending on the course, mode of study, and whether you are a UK or international student. You can view the breakdown of fees for this programme below.

Course Fees

The University offers a range of merit-based, subject-specific, and country-focused scholarships for UK and international students. To help support students from outside of the UK, we offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Course Fees

You will need to have funding in place for your studies before you arrive at the University. Our fees vary depending on the course, mode of study, and whether you are a UK or international student. You can view the breakdown of fees for this programme below.

Course Fees

The University offers a range of merit-based, subject-specific, and country-focused scholarships for UK and international students. To help support students from outside of the UK, we offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Funding Your Study

Postgraduate Funding Options

Find out more about the optional available to support your postgraduate study, from Master's Loans to scholarship opportunities. You can also find out more about how to pay your fees and access support from our helpful advisors.

Explore Funding Options
Two students working on a laptop in a study space

The course has exceeded my expectations. Before starting, I was slightly worried that I would be playing a game of catch up because I hadn’t studied an undergraduate degree in business of any kind. However, the tutors have been extremely supportive in guiding my learning, and I am really enjoying my time here as a student.

Career Development

Graduates with Master’s level awards may progress to marketing roles in a variety of industries around the world. Specialist skills are highly valued by private and public sector organisations, as well as beneficial to those running their own enterprises. Some students choose to pursue careers in research or academia.

Academic Contact

For more information about this course, please contact the Programme Leader.

Dr Mizan Rahman

Working in Partnership

Lincoln International Business School works with students and organisations to enhance the contribution of business to society. For students, that means developing their business skills and knowledge to improve their career readiness.The University of Lincoln is a member of AACSB, a global nonprofit association connecting educators, students, and businesses to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders.

About the AACSB
AACSB logo

Postgraduate Events

To get a real feel for what it is like to study at the University of Lincoln, we hold a number of dedicated postgraduate events and activities throughout the year for you to take part in.

Upcoming Postgraduate Events
A group of students sat around a table, working together on a project
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.