Management with Project Management
Management with Project Management

Key Information


Brayford Pool

Start Date

September 2025 and February 2026

Typical Offer

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12 months


2 years

Validation Status

Subject to Revalidation


Brayford Pool

Start Date

September 2024 and January 2025

Typical Offer

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1 year


2 years

Academic Years

Course Overview

MSc Management with Project Management has been developed to provide students with a solid understanding of the fundamental subjects needed to manage a business and projects within a complex changing environment. Projects are ubiquitous nowadays, formalising the way in which companies organise and implement the constant improvements required to successfully operate in competitive markets and usually involving high risk and uncertainty.

Modules in finance, project planning, risk, and procurement can help to equip students with the tools, techniques, and knowledge to be able to work effectively in different contexts. Students have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in key areas such as leadership, marketing, financial analysis, and people management as well as focusing on project planning, delivering projects and programmes, and risk management.

MSc Management with Project Management is open to applicants from all educational backgrounds. No previous experience of management studies or project management is required. For those who have already studied a related discipline, this course offers the opportunity to progress their knowledge to an advanced level. The programme is also suitable for those who have proven managerial experience which they wish to consolidate with academic qualifications.

Course Overview

MSc Management with Project Management has been developed to provide students with a solid understanding of the fundamental subjects needed to manage a business and projects within a complex changing environment. Projects are ubiquitous nowadays, formalising the way in which companies organise and implement the constant improvements required to successfully operate in competitive markets and usually involving high risk and uncertainty.

Modules in finance, project planning, risk, and procurement can help to equip students with the tools, techniques, and knowledge to be able to work effectively in different contexts. Students have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in key areas such as leadership, marketing, financial analysis, and people management as well as focusing on project planning, delivering projects and programmes, and risk management.

MSc Management with Project Management is open to applicants from all educational backgrounds. No previous experience of management studies or project management is required. For those who have already studied a related discipline, this course offers the opportunity to progress their knowledge to an advanced level. The programme is also suitable for those who have proven managerial experience which they wish to consolidate with academic qualifications.

Why Choose Lincoln

Teaching informed by real-world examples

Focus on the international dimensions of business

Hear from expert industry speakers

Develop leadership skills during activity-based team challenges

Part-time study available

A group of students working together on a project

How You Study

The programme brings together relevant contemporary academic theories and research with practical understanding of project management within organisations. This will be developed by enabling students to share knowledge, relate this to theories developed from relevant research, and learning by practical application. Through the development of an integrated and critically aware understanding of management in the context of contemporary business issues, the programme involves students in a demanding process of personal and professional development.

Our focus on the international dimensions of business and management and project management reflects the global environment in which organisations increasingly function. This global mindset is realised in our international faculty and student community. Our academics and students are drawn from all over the world, and bring with them unique experiences and perspectives which can enrich students' learning.

Each module typically consists of two weekly teaching hours over a teaching term. Students will normally study four modules per term. Please note, irrespective of whether students are full-time or part-time, their hours of study may vary from term to term and can be spread throughout the week.

This programme can be studied full-time or part-time to meet the needs of students who are seeking to develop their career by combining academic study with their existing employment. Students planning to study the degree on a part-time basis, will be studying two modules per term and would usually be expected to complete the programme within two years. The programme is available for either a September or February start.

Postgraduate level study involves a significant proportion of independent study, exploring the material covered in lectures and seminars. As a general guide, for every hour in class, students are expected to spend three hours in independent study.

Although a proportion of the contact time will be spent in teaching, emphasis will also be placed upon the use of the student group as a resource for learning. The style of teaching will vary to reflect individual module objectives. There will also be group discussions of practical situations and problems, making an extensive use of case studies in national and international contexts, simulation materials and, where relevant, students' own experiences.

How You Study

The programme brings together relevant contemporary academic theories and research with practical understanding of project management within organisations. This will be developed by enabling students to share knowledge, relate this to theories developed from relevant research, and learning by practical application. Through the development of an integrated and critically aware understanding of management in the context of contemporary business issues, the programme involves students in a demanding process of personal and professional development.

Our focus on the international dimensions of business and management and project management reflects the global environment in which organisations increasingly function. This global mindset is realised in our international faculty and student community. Our academics and students are drawn from all over the world, and bring with them unique experiences and perspectives which can enrich students' learning.

Each module typically consists of two weekly teaching hours over a teaching term. Students will normally study four modules per term. Please note, irrespective of whether students are full-time or part-time, their hours of study may vary from term to term and can be spread throughout the week.

This programme can be studied full-time or part-time to meet the needs of students who are seeking to develop their career by combining academic study with their existing employment. Students planning to study the degree on a part-time basis, will be studying two modules per term and would usually be expected to complete the programme within two years. The programme is available for either a September or February start.

Postgraduate level study involves a significant proportion of independent study, exploring the material covered in lectures and seminars. As a general guide, for every hour in class, students are expected to spend at least three to four hours in independent study.

Although a proportion of the contact time will be spent in teaching, emphasis will also be placed upon the use of the student group as a resource for learning. The style of teaching will vary to reflect individual module objectives. There will also be group discussions of practical situations and problems, making an extensive use of case studies in national and international contexts, simulation materials and, where relevant, students' own experiences.

Looking for Online Study?

Find out more about our online MSc Management with Project Management programme, delivered part-time over two years.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Delivering Projects, Programmes and Portfolios 2025-26BUS9045MLevel 72025-26A key role in project management relates to the delivery of successful projects, programmes and portfolios. This involves the use of varied techniques to ensure a timely and effective implementation of project plans. The topics covered include project portfolios and programmes, governance, project appraisal and selection, value management as well as some methodologies alternative to the traditional project management.CoreFinancial Analysis, Appraisal and Decision Making 2025-26ACC9703MLevel 72025-26The module aims to develop the student's ability to critically analyse the financial statements for single and group companies, understanding how the financial statements are prepared, considering compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and the relevant International Accounting Standards. Students taking the module will examine both financial and non-financial matters that affect a business on a day to day basis and develop proactive ideas to solve these issues. The module will help to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand corporate financial performance and the relevance of accounting information, including the implications for the organisation, stakeholders, and for effective corporate governance.CoreGlobal Project Teams 2025-26BUS9716MLevel 72025-26Global projects present more problems and carry much greater risk than domestic, one-country projects. Various challenges usually include interpersonal relations in a dispersed team and with stakeholders, language barriers, work tracking and control, different time zones, local regulations, politics and so forth. Given the ever-growing ubiquity of such undertakings, there is a drastic need for project managers who are able to appreciate and overcome the above practical challenges in order to deliver their projects on time, within budget and with all the benefits initially planned. This module aims to provide students with the skills to be effective when working as part of a global project team. The module is specifically designed to provide an awareness of how technology affects communication and collaboration in organisations. The module has an applied focus and requires students to reflect on and apply teamwork theories and techniques to practical situations in order to enhance their effectiveness in team environments.CoreInternational Marketing Planning 2025-26MKT9705MLevel 72025-26The business world never stands still; technologies and the move towards a more global economy are creating opportunities that organisations must embrace to maintain their competitive edge. Equally, organisations now face threats that may fundamentally disrupt the nature of their business and must compete with new types of challengers to the marketplace, from any channel and anywhere in the world. Global trends, events and innovations appear to have a greater impact on local markets than we have seen before. In the rise of new technology, hardly any of today’s business is border bound. Even the local organisations have to compete with international businesses because the borders of the world have become pervasive. The monumental speed of changing market place means that traditional planning cycles must be proactive. The International Marketing Planning module provides students with the fundamental building blocks to manage an organisation’s marketing function. By establishing an organisation’s current market position, unpacking the value offering to consumers, and formulating a plan to meet strategic marketing objectives, the marketing planning process provides a creative framework to drive organisational success and achieve a sustained, competitive advantage in the global marketplace.CoreLeadership Development 2025-26MGT9707MLevel 72025-26This module is designed to provide students with a conceptual and theoretical background in leadership, and an opportunity to develop leadership competencies in themselves and others. It covers topics such as leadership style, followership, ethical and responsible leadership, gender and leadership, and cross-cultural leadership. Over the course of this module, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the impact interpersonal skills have on leadership effectiveness. This module has an applied focus and requires students to reflect on and apply theories and techniques to their personal real-world context in order to enhance their leadership practice.CoreManagement of Project and Contract Risk 2025-26BUS9715MLevel 72025-26The implementation of any project is closely associated with risks, resulting from uncertainty within which it runs. Risks can arise during any project’s life-cycle phase, both from project executors (internal risks) and external actions (for instance, governmental activities or natural disasters). Risk cannot be eliminated, hence should be managed in the most time- and cost-effective way possible. To this end, a number of project risk management strategies are available, e.g. mitigation or contingency planning. However, the residual risk may still be present and can be dealt with using contracts, in order to transfer, pool or share the identified risks. Contract management is an extremely critical element of the procurement process as it enables a set of contract requirements to be controlled throughout the project as well as a clear allocation of risk to reduce the liability exposure and possibility of disputes, when employing contractors, subcontractors and vendors. The module provides students with the opportunity to explore relevant theory and practice in the areas of project risk, procurement and contract management. The impact of risk on projects and the ways of how that risk might be managed will be examined. Methods of assessment, mitigation and monitoring to manage the project to a successful completion will be proposed and examined. An assumed multi-disciplinary approach, covering risk and legal perspectives, will enable students to construct a framework for improving management action and professional practice in any project environment. In terms of contract law, the module programme aims to introduce the legal issues and risks involved in the negotiation, formation and management of procurement contracts, and elaborates on the available techniques to ensure effective contract risk allocation and protect a project delivery team from unexpected liability claims.CoreProfessional Inquiry Project 2025-26BUS9720Level 72025-26CoreProject Planning and Management 2025-26BUS9041MLevel 72025-26With the rapidly changing context of modern business, the process of introducing novel technologies, products, infrastructures, or systems has become vital yet more challenging due to often conflicting stakeholder requirements, irreversible investments, operating constraints, and associated risks. Therefore, any business change has to be project-managed as the current emphasis in business is on flexible, rapid response to customer demands. Managers increasingly require a project competence with a systems-oriented management style that cuts across traditional functional roles throughout the project life-cycle. Project management is thus considered a crucial management philosophy of how organisations manage fluctuating business environments and bring to life something innovative or simply never accomplished before. This module provides students with the opportunity to develop an essential understanding of the fundamentals of project management. It covers a variety of concepts and their practical application including project scope, time, cost, quality, stakeholders, and communication.CoreStrategy in Context 2025-26MGT9706MLevel 72025-26In our current globalised world, individuals in leadership and management positions within organisations across sectors are often confronted with a myriad of ‘wicked’ problems which demand for a comprehensive and cohesive strategy. To succeed, individuals in position of responsibility must develop a range of capabilities needed to gain competitive advantage in markets and in the globe. This module seeks to equip students with crucial knowledge and strategy making skills to perform as a strategist and contribute to responsible business strategies to give their organisation a competitive advantage. Students who fully engage with the module will develop the knowledge and professional expertise needed for the formation, implementation and analysis of responsible business strategies; to make appropriate choices between strategic options; and then to follow a strategic route that will deliver results that are robust, ethically sound and socially responsible.Core


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Delivering Projects, Programmes and Portfolios 2024-25BUS9045MLevel 72024-25A key role in project management relates to the delivery of successful projects, programmes and portfolios. This involves the use of varied techniques to ensure a timely and effective implementation of project plans. The topics covered include project portfolios and programmes, governance, project appraisal and selection, value management as well as some methodologies alternative to the traditional project management.CoreFinancial Analysis, Appraisal and Decision Making 2024-25ACC9703MLevel 72024-25The module aims to develop the student's ability to critically analyse the financial statements for single and group companies, understanding how the financial statements are prepared, considering compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and the relevant International Accounting Standards. Students taking the module will examine both financial and non-financial matters that affect a business on a day to day basis and develop proactive ideas to solve these issues. The module will help to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand corporate financial performance and the relevance of accounting information, including the implications for the organisation, stakeholders, and for effective corporate governance.CoreGlobal Project Teams 2024-25BUS9716MLevel 72024-25Global projects present more problems and carry much greater risk than domestic, one-country projects. Various challenges usually include interpersonal relations in a dispersed team and with stakeholders, language barriers, work tracking and control, different time zones, local regulations, politics and so forth. Given the ever-growing ubiquity of such undertakings, there is a drastic need for project managers who are able to appreciate and overcome the above practical challenges in order to deliver their projects on time, within budget and with all the benefits initially planned. This module aims to provide students with the skills to be effective when working as part of a global project team. The module is specifically designed to provide an awareness of how technology affects communication and collaboration in organisations. The module has an applied focus and requires students to reflect on and apply teamwork theories and techniques to practical situations in order to enhance their effectiveness in team environments.CoreInternational Marketing Planning 2024-25MKT9705MLevel 72024-25The business world never stands still; technologies and the move towards a more global economy are creating opportunities that organisations must embrace to maintain their competitive edge. Equally, organisations now face threats that may fundamentally disrupt the nature of their business and must compete with new types of challengers to the marketplace, from any channel and anywhere in the world. Global trends, events and innovations appear to have a greater impact on local markets than we have seen before. In the rise of new technology, hardly any of today’s business is border bound. Even the local organisations have to compete with international businesses because the borders of the world have become pervasive. The monumental speed of changing market place means that traditional planning cycles must be proactive. The International Marketing Planning module provides students with the fundamental building blocks to manage an organisation’s marketing function. By establishing an organisation’s current market position, unpacking the value offering to consumers, and formulating a plan to meet strategic marketing objectives, the marketing planning process provides a creative framework to drive organisational success and achieve a sustained, competitive advantage in the global marketplace.CoreLeadership and Development 2024-25MGT9707MLevel 72024-25This module is designed to provide students with a conceptual and theoretical background in leadership, and an opportunity to develop leadership competencies in themselves and others. It covers topics such as leadership style, followership, ethical and responsible leadership, gender and leadership, and cross-cultural leadership. Over the course of this module, students will gain an understanding and appreciation of the impact interpersonal skills have on leadership effectiveness. This module has an applied focus and requires students to reflect on and apply theories and techniques to their personal real-world context in order to enhance their leadership practice.CoreManagement of Project and Contract Risk 2024-25BUS9715MLevel 72024-25The implementation of any project is closely associated with risks, resulting from uncertainty within which it runs. Risks can arise during any project’s life-cycle phase, both from project executors (internal risks) and external actions (for instance, governmental activities or natural disasters). Risk cannot be eliminated, hence should be managed in the most time- and cost-effective way possible. To this end, a number of project risk management strategies are available, e.g. mitigation or contingency planning. However, the residual risk may still be present and can be dealt with using contracts, in order to transfer, pool or share the identified risks. Contract management is an extremely critical element of the procurement process as it enables a set of contract requirements to be controlled throughout the project as well as a clear allocation of risk to reduce the liability exposure and possibility of disputes, when employing contractors, subcontractors and vendors. The module provides students with the opportunity to explore relevant theory and practice in the areas of project risk, procurement and contract management. The impact of risk on projects and the ways of how that risk might be managed will be examined. Methods of assessment, mitigation and monitoring to manage the project to a successful completion will be proposed and examined. An assumed multi-disciplinary approach, covering risk and legal perspectives, will enable students to construct a framework for improving management action and professional practice in any project environment. In terms of contract law, the module programme aims to introduce the legal issues and risks involved in the negotiation, formation and management of procurement contracts, and elaborates on the available techniques to ensure effective contract risk allocation and protect a project delivery team from unexpected liability claims.CoreProfessional Inquiry Project 2024-25BUS9720Level 72024-25CoreProject Planning and Management 2024-25BUS9041MLevel 72024-25With the rapidly changing context of modern business, the process of introducing novel technologies, products, infrastructures, or systems has become vital yet more challenging due to often conflicting stakeholder requirements, irreversible investments, operating constraints, and associated risks. Therefore, any business change has to be project-managed as the current emphasis in business is on flexible, rapid response to customer demands. Managers increasingly require a project competence with a systems-oriented management style that cuts across traditional functional roles throughout the project life-cycle. Project management is thus considered a crucial management philosophy of how organisations manage fluctuating business environments and bring to life something innovative or simply never accomplished before. This module provides students with the opportunity to develop an essential understanding of the fundamentals of project management. It covers a variety of concepts and their practical application including project scope, time, cost, quality, stakeholders, and communication.CoreStrategy in Context 2024-25MGT9706MLevel 72024-25In our current globalised world, individuals in leadership and management positions within organisations across sectors are often confronted with a myriad of ‘wicked’ problems which demand for a comprehensive and cohesive strategy. To succeed, individuals in position of responsibility must develop a range of capabilities needed to gain competitive advantage in markets and in the globe. This module seeks to equip students with crucial knowledge and strategy making skills to perform as a strategist and contribute to responsible business strategies to give their organisation a competitive advantage. Students who fully engage with the module will develop the knowledge and professional expertise needed for the formation, implementation and analysis of responsible business strategies; to make appropriate choices between strategic options; and then to follow a strategic route that will deliver results that are robust, ethically sound and socially responsible.Core

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

How you are assessed

A variety of assessment methods are utilised during this course, including essays, examinations, and oral presentations. These assessments are designed to develop skills that will be useful for your career.

The University of Lincoln's policy on assessment feedback aims to ensure that academics will return in-course assessments to you promptly - usually within 15 working days after the submission date.

How you are assessed

A variety of assessment methods are utilised during this course, including essays, examinations, and oral presentations. These assessments are designed to develop skills that will be useful for your career.

The University of Lincoln's policy on assessment feedback aims to ensure that academics will return in-course assessments to you promptly - usually within 15 working days after the submission date.

Industry Expertise

Lincoln International Business School has an experienced team of staff, which is made up of academically and professionally qualified lecturers with relevant industrial experience and experts with wide research interests. The School hosts a series of visiting speakers each year, enabling students to hear and learn from industry experts. Previous speakers have included representatives from organisations such as Deloitte, Santander, HSBC, Innocent, Siemens, Lincoln City Council, and Sir David Tweedie (ex-Chairman of the IASB).

Students will also have the chance to build their skills and knowledge further with extra-curricular activities such as joining a society, volunteering, or becoming a Student Ambassador.

Working in Partnership

Lincoln International Business School works with students and organisations to enhance the contribution of business to society. For students, that means developing their business skills and knowledge to improve their career readiness.The University of Lincoln is a member of AACSB, a global nonprofit association connecting educators, students, and businesses to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders.

About the AACSB
AACSB logo

Leadership Development

The programme provides a diverse range of learning and assessment situations that develop appropriate knowledge, intellectual, and practical skills, and promote opportunities for students to acquire and demonstrate transferable, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills within the broad context of management and in a multi-cultural setting.

A highlight of the programme is an activity-based team challenge event as part of the module Leadership Development, which will allow students to practice and receive feedback on their leadership skills. An appropriate alternative experience will be provided in the event that the team challenge cannot take place.

How to Apply

Postgraduate Application Support

Applying for a postgraduate programme at Lincoln is easy. Find out more about the application process and what you'll need to complete on our How to Apply page. Here, you'll also be able to find out more about the entry requirements we accept and how to contact us for dedicated support during the process.

How to Apply
A student listening in a seminar

January Starts 2025

Please note that this course is also available for a January 2025 start. View a full list of courses with January start dates.

Entry Requirements 2025-26

Entry Requirements

A second class honours degree or equivalent.

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-session English and Academic Study Skills courses. . These specialist courses are designed to help students meet the English language requirements for their intended programme of study.

January Starts 2025

Please note that this course is also available for a January 2025 start. View a full list of courses with January start dates.

Entry Requirements 2024-25

Entry Requirements

A second class honours degree or equivalent.

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

If you do not meet the above IELTS requirements, you may be able to take part in one of our Pre-session English and Academic Study Skills courses. . These specialist courses are designed to help students meet the English language requirements for their intended programme of study.

Course Fees

You will need to have funding in place for your studies before you arrive at the University. Our fees vary depending on the course, mode of study, and whether you are a UK or international student. You can view the breakdown of fees for this programme below.

Course Fees

The University offers a range of merit-based, subject-specific, and country-focused scholarships for UK and international students. To help support students from outside of the UK, we offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Course Fees

You will need to have funding in place for your studies before you arrive at the University. Our fees vary depending on the course, mode of study, and whether you are a UK or international student. You can view the breakdown of fees for this programme below.

Course Fees

The University offers a range of merit-based, subject-specific, and country-focused scholarships for UK and international students. To help support students from outside of the UK, we offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Funding Your Study

Postgraduate Funding Options

Find out more about the optional available to support your postgraduate study, from Master's Loans to scholarship opportunities. You can also find out more about how to pay your fees and access support from our helpful advisors.

Explore Funding Options
Two students working on a laptop in a study space

Career Development

Postgraduate study is an investment in yourself and your future. It can help you to further or completely change your career, develop your knowledge, enhance your salary, or even prepare you to start your own business. Postgraduate students at the University of Lincoln benefit from inspirational teaching combined with high-quality facilities and learning spaces, great industry links, and unique research opportunities, all of which are designed to help you stand out from the crowd and make the most of your time with us.

Why Postgraduate Study?

Academic Contact

For more information about this course, please contact the Programme Leader.

Dr Artem Khudenko

Postgraduate Events

To get a real feel for what it is like to study at the University of Lincoln, we hold a number of dedicated postgraduate events and activities throughout the year for you to take part in.

Upcoming Postgraduate Events
A group of students sat around a table, working together on a project
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.