About Distance Learning
With the content of our degree programmes informed by the context of each student's job, our work based distance learning top-up degree programmes are designed to give students and employers a competitive edge.
Building on your existing expertise, each programme allows you to attain a degree qualification through the completion of a range of work-based management activities. These flexible, work-based programmes are taught via distance learning and, depending on your individual circumstances and experience, are usually completed in up to two years.
Our work based distance learning top-up degree programmes are designed to give students and employers a competitive edge.
Course Benefits
- Fast and Flexible
- With up to two years to complete these part-time top-up degree programmes you will be able to fit them around any pre-existing commitments you may have. A third year of study is available for an additional administrative fee.
- With up to two years to complete these part-time top-up degree programmes you will be able to fit them around any pre-existing commitments you may have. A third year of study is available for an additional administrative fee.
- Expert Advice
- You and your employer will benefit from access to experts in the relevant field who will be able to advise on your work-based projects.
- You and your employer will benefit from access to experts in the relevant field who will be able to advise on your work-based projects.
- Builds on Existing Knowledge
- Lincoln's distance learning degree programmes build and capitalise on the high level of skills and learning you demonstrate daily in your workplace.
- Lincoln's distance learning degree programmes build and capitalise on the high level of skills and learning you demonstrate daily in your workplace.
- Individually Tailored
- Structured around your current role, your distance learning degree will allow you to apply your learning in real time to relevant projects.
Convenient Start Times
You can choose to join the programmes at three points throughout the year: March, May, and October, ensuring you can get the qualification underway when it's most convenient for you.
How You Study
As a distance learner you will undertake independent study, guided by expert tutors who will help you prepare for and follow up on topics in greater depth.
Each of our Work Based Distance Learning programmes is divided into five or six modules, which are accessed via our online virtual learning environment, Blackboard. You will work through each module in turn, at a pace that you set, until you complete your degree programme. Your final grade will reflect your performance on each module, including a dissertation on a subject of your choosing.
Module assignments take the form of essays, portfolios, reflective logs and reports, with each being assessed by your Module Tutor against the learning outcomes of the module you are undertaking.
There is a Blackboard site specific to each module that includes your Study Guide, a Module Guide and the Harvard Referencing Guide as well as other resources. Course reading materials are available in electronic formats compatible with most devices from our vast digital library collection.
We understand that life can get in the way, which is why our programmes have built-in flexibility. If you need to pause your studies at any point, or need an extension on an assignment, we can usually accommodate.
How You Are Assessed
With no final exam, assessment is continuous throughout your course of study.
Each programme has specific learning outcomes, which you will find in your module and course documentation. You will need to familiarise yourself with these outcomes to understand what you are expected to know and do to achieve academic success.
You will be sent more detailed information about assessment in your Welcome Pack.
How You Are Supported
Should you have any questions about course content, reading materials or how to approach your study, your dedicated Module Tutors will be able to help. In addition, you can establish informal peer-learning groups with your fellow students on social media or via Blackboard’s online forums.
Students who make regular contact with their Programme Leader and Module Tutors and submit drafts of their assignments in a timely fashion usually achieve higher grades and have a better learner experience. As a distance learning student undertaking individual study, it is your responsibility to ensure you know what the course requirements are and when your assignments are due.
We suggest updating your tutor on your progress once a fortnight, being sure to flag any issues at an early stage. Should your circumstances change for any reason, or if you begin to feel overwhelmed, please contact your tutor. Your tutor is there to help you.
Remember that you have encountered and successfully managed challenging situations over the course of your career. Your main challenges will be balancing study, work and life commitments, and re-engagement with academia.
Learn more about student support
How To Contact Your Tutors
Your Programme Leader and Module Tutors are friendly and approachable. They are there to support you throughout your programme of study.
Before you commence your degree, your Programme Leader will send you a welcome email with some information to get you started. This is the email address you will use to contact them once your programme is underway.
You will find your Module Tutors’ email addresses on the relevant module sites on Blackboard. In the first instance, tutors should be contacted by email, however most tutors are happy to talk with you via email, telephone, Skype or other technologies by prior arrangement. It is even possible to meet some of our tutors in person at the university.
For further details please contact wbdladmin@lincoln.ac.uk