BA (Hons)
Journalism Studies
BA (Hons)
Journalism Studies

Key Information


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3 Years




Brayford Pool

Typical Offer

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3 Years



Academic Years

Course Overview

Journalism Studies goes beyond uncovering and crafting a good story; it explores the rich history of the profession and the important role it plays in our society.

Lincoln's BA (Hons) Journalism Studies aims to provide students with an informed understanding of the role of journalism in society, and the intellectual and practical skills required to succeed professionally as a journalist.

The programme examines the history, theories, and research techniques that underpin the practice of journalism. Understanding the social role of the journalist involves an exploration of the environment of journalism and its historical, social, political, economic, and legal settings, both in the UK and internationally.

The University of Lincoln's journalism programmes are continually revised to reflect the advancements in digital news production and convergence. Course content is informed by the School's programme of research. This examines issues such as human rights reporting, local radio broadcasting, literary journalism, World War I comics, journalistic diaspora, and sport. There are also opportunities to study journalistic theory modules.

Course Overview

Journalism Studies goes beyond uncovering and crafting a good story; it explores the rich history of the profession and the important role it plays in our society.

Lincoln's BA (Hons) Journalism Studies aims to provide students with an informed understanding of the role of journalism in society, and the intellectual and practical skills required to succeed professionally as a journalist.

The programme examines the history, theories, and research techniques that underpin the practice of journalism. Understanding the social role of the journalist involves an exploration of the environment of journalism and its historical, social, political, economic, and legal settings, both in the UK and internationally.

The University of Lincoln's journalism programmes are continually revised to reflect the advancements in digital news production and convergence. Course content is informed by the School's programme of research. This examines issues such as human rights reporting, local radio broadcasting, literary journalism, World War I comics, journalistic diaspora, and sport. There are also opportunities to study journalistic theory modules.

Why Choose Lincoln

Course recognised for excellence by the EJTA

Work placement opportunities throughout

A focus on the history, theories, and research techniques that underpin journ

Work with student-run media platforms

Course content informed by research

A range of optional modules

A student reading in the library

How You Study

Teaching on the course is delivered by tutors whose cumulative expertise embraces professional practice and academic study, such as John Cafferkey and Tim Greenfield.

Students on this course can examine journalism in its historical and theoretical contexts, exploring essential ethical and legal considerations. They put theory into practice by producing news content across print, online, radio, and television platforms. Taking a multiplatform approach from the outset, students can explore the fundamental principles of journalistic practice, and produce news items on a regular basis.

In the second year, students can take part in newsdays, replicating industry practice in a range of media. There is a choice of theoretical modules including Journalism and Society, Journalism Histories and Ethics and International Human Rights.

In the final year of the degree there is also a compulsory module in which students reflect upon ten days of work placement experience. The School's industry links can help students to secure work placements with media organisations. Please note that students are expected to cover their own transport, accommodation, and general living expenses while undertaking this placement.

How You Study

Teaching on the course is delivered by tutors whose cumulative expertise embraces professional practice and academic study, such as John Cafferkey and Tim Greenfield.

Students on this course can examine journalism in its historical and theoretical contexts, exploring essential ethical and legal considerations. They put theory into practice by producing news content across print, online, radio, and television platforms. Taking a multiplatform approach from the outset, students can explore the fundamental principles of journalistic practice, and produce news items on a regular basis.

In the second year, students can take part in newsdays, replicating industry practice in a range of media. There is a choice of theoretical modules including Journalism and Society, Journalism Histories and Ethics and International Human Rights.

In the final year of the degree there is also a compulsory module in which students reflect upon ten days of work placement experience. The School's industry links can help students to secure work placements with media organisations. Please note that students are expected to cover their own transport, accommodation, and general living expenses while undertaking this placement.


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Essential Journalism 1 2025-26JOU1091MLevel 42025-26This module will be a blend of practice and theory and aims to create a progression through the key journalistic skills needed to tell stories on the most appropriate platform using traditional, digital and mobile media. This module aims to develop a rounded awareness of the media and to give students the skills and insight that equip them to develop further in levels two and three. The focus is on newsgathering and storytelling skills.CoreEssential Law 2025-26JOU1092MLevel 42025-26Journalism students are required to abide by the law, in terms of newsgathering and research methods, data collection and retention, use of communication networks, publishing and broadcasting material to audiences. This module aims to introduce students to the legal system, to the operation of the courts, and examines the impact of legislation and codes of practice on the work of journalists.CoreIntroduction to Journalism Studies 2025-26JOU1090Level 42025-26Journalism is a key activity not simply in the communication of news and current affairs, but as a primary definer of social, political and psychological contexts in which we live and work as citizens in the twenty-first century. This module introduces students to key cultural, commercial and technological developments that have shaped the modern media, exploring those developments in terms of their history as well as the social impacts of modern mass communications.CoreIntroduction to Journalism Theory and Analysis 2025-26JOU1093MLevel 42025-26This module aims to explore journalistic practices and institutions, utilising the theories of journalism studies and other related media theoretical concepts. It encourages students to discover the link between theory and practice through the use of case studies and appropriate methodologies and aims to engage them in critical evaluation of journalistic practices across different platforms.CoreJournalism Production 1 2025-26JOU1094MLevel 42025-26This module aims to introduce students to the editorial and production skills required for web-based multiplatform news production with a focus on digital convergence and effective use of social media. From the basis of a digital core of content production, the focus is on newsgathering and output for broadcast and online. Students will have the opportunity to work in a newsroom environment under strict but appropriate time constraints.CorePolitics for Journalists 2025-26JOU1095MLevel 42025-26Journalists need to understand how legislation is drafted and enacted in the UK and how journalism – the Fourth Estate – effects a check on Government and Parliament(s). This involves a study of the political, democratic and administrative structure of the Monarch as head of state, Parliament, the Prime Minister, Central Government, local government, the judiciary and EU institutions. Topics explored include constitutional government (the unwritten constitution), ministerial roles and cabinet government, political parties and MPs, the civil service, local government structures, councillors, best value and ethics in local government, and the government information service.CoreShorthand 2025-26JOU1012MLevel 42025-26Shorthand is a key skill for journalists and enables fast, accurate note taking in any situation. Students have the opportunity to be taught the theory of the Teeline system and then work on building their speed with the aim of achieving the NCTJ 'gold standard' 100 words per minute qualification.OptionalEssential Journalism 2 2026-27JOU2284MLevel 52026-27This module aims to develop the basic skills studied in Journalism Skills at Level One. Students are expected to proactively gather news and feature stories employing the full range of research and interview techniques. Students will be encouraged to produce imaginative and original copy conforming to professional standards, with careful consideration of topic, angle, choice of interviewees, necessary attribution and corroboration of facts in a variety of writing styles suitable for a range of traditional, digital and mobile platforms.CoreJournalism Production 2: News Days 2026-27JOU2291MLevel 52026-27From a digital first perspective, this module aims to develop the key skills of journalism through regular practice, including newsgathering, writing and interviewing, and live output production with text and audio and video output as required. Online skills will be used throughout, including social media use to drive consumers to the content. The journalism and features produced will be outward facing, using techniques of electronic newsgathering, digital and non-linear editing, production/journalism for online and print, and an appropriate range of live news broadcasting techniques.CoreJournalism Production 2: Project 2026-27JOU2292MLevel 52026-27This module gives the students the opportunity to specialise in a medium of their choice. In consultation with tutors, students will be able to produce radio or television bulletins, features and magazine programmes, a web site with multimedia content or print magazines and newspapers. More advanced skills appropriate to each medium will be taught and workshops will be tutor led and supervised as required. Materials produced will be outward facing where appropriate.CoreLaw, Ethics and Regulation 2026-27JOU2287MLevel 52026-27This module aims to build on legal and administrative knowledge gleaned in Essential Law at Level One. It examines how criminal and civil legislation affecting print, online and broadcast journalists has developed; identifies areas of conflict and uncertainty; and requires students to apply knowledge of legislation and case law to given scenarios, including responses to actions in the civil courts.CoreResearch methods 2026-27JOU2289MLevel 52026-27This module is designed to equip students with the understanding of research design and methods for undertaking research. The module gives students the opportunity to develop their observational, analytical and writing skills. It has vocational relevance in enabling students to select a relevant research topic for in-depth analysis and evaluation in their final year.CoreEthics and International Human Rights for Journalists 2026-27JOU2006MLevel 52026-27This module aims to highlight the importance of human rights issues to the practice of journalism and aims to develop students’ awareness of the range of ethical issues facing journalists.OptionalHistories of Journalism 2026-27JOU2290MLevel 52026-27This module extends the study of the history of journalism into the twentieth century. It provides students with the opportunity to critically consider the historical background to some of the issues which feature in contemporary news agendas – for example students may have the opportunity to discuss the reporting of war; changes in the National Health Service; critique of ‘care in the community’ relating to mental health, the export of American culture and ‘Globalisation’; the impact of ethnicity on politics and culture particularly in terms of EU debates; etc. Appropriate emphasis will be placed upon the role of the press in recording these social and political developments.OptionalJournalism and Society 2026-27JOU2285MLevel 52026-27The role of the media as a 'mirror' of society means that journalists encounter cross-cultural issues in their newsgathering and news processing functions. This module aims to prepare students to write stories with cultural sensitivity, care and compassion.OptionalJournalism International Exchange 2026-27JOU2011MLevel 52026-27Students who opt to take this module will have the opportunity to study for a term at one of the international institutions with which the School has a partnership arrangement. During the term abroad, students can share classes with local students. Not only will students have the chance to live and socialise in another culture, providing opportunities to study their respective countries, they will also have an opportunity to examine the international journalism industry practice. Please see the fees tab for further information relating to the costs incurred when studying abroad.OptionalJournalism Production A 2026-27JOU2010MLevel 52026-27OptionalJournalism Independent Study 2027-28JOU3016MLevel 62027-28Students undertake a dissertation topic of their choice within their chosen field of study and are expected to apply theoretical concepts to their research. They will be allocated an individual tutor to support their work but students are expected to demonstrate a high degree of personal commitment and to work on their own initiative.CoreProfessional Journalism Production 2027-28JOU3154MLevel 62027-28Working on an individual basis, students will have the opportunity to produce project work in either broadcast, news and magazine brands, online and sport. It is expected that the resulting work will be at industry-standard and suitable for public consumption. An advanced level of editorial and production skills will be expected, including story and idea origination, news and feature management and agenda setting, along with an awareness of the differing journalistic treatment demanded by each medium. Students will be expected to be work on their own initiative, making their own editorial decisions, with tutor supervision.CoreSpecialist Journalism 2027-28JOU3142MLevel 62027-28Students have the opportunity to examine and analyse their chosen specialism across a wide range of publications, from general readership websites, magazines, and newspapers to specialist and niche publications aimed at the 'expert'. Students can study the particular attributes needed for specialist journalism including: authority, expertise, ability to access specialist information and format requirements. Throughout this module, students will select one particular strand to focus on in order to develop their specialism in the following indicative areas: sport, music, fashion, science, arts or business.CoreComparative Media History 2027-28JOU3006MLevel 62027-28This module aims to enable students to appreciate trends and changes within the main media industries (press, radio, TV, cinema, music and the internet) on a comparative basis between countries and between platforms. The module offers an opportunity to understand how the media has reached the state it is now in, and what trends are likely to continue in the future.OptionalInternational Media Policies 2027-28JOU3131MLevel 62027-28This module examines broadcasting structures in the UK and in other countries. It aims to develop students’ critical understanding of models of national broadcasting and the implications for media policy and mass media's role in society. The module aims to introduce students to the fundamental contexts of national, cultural and economic systems which inform the development of media policy debates.OptionalJournalism Production 3: Major Project 2027-28JOU3143MLevel 62027-28Working in small production groups and independently, students will have the chance to build on the experience they have gained at Levels 1 and 2 and produce weekly and termly news and features outputs, in their choice of media, some of which will be for public consumption. Using the School's web-based multimedia news site, LSJ News, students will work in a professional environment for the full year. An advanced level of editorial and production skills will be expected, including story and idea origination, news and feature management and agenda setting, along with an awareness of the differing journalistic treatment demanded by each medium.OptionalJournalists on the Screen 2027-28JOU3015MLevel 62027-28The purpose of this module is to examine and critically compare the different representations of journalists to be found in film and assess the relation between these portrayals and continuing moral and political issues faced by the profession. The module expects students to study movies in which journalists are portrayed as leading characters.OptionalPeace and Conflict Reporting 2027-28JOU3005MLevel 62027-28This module explores the history of war reporting and the ways in which journalists have represented conflicts. It also considers the reasons why some conflicts are marginalised, ignored altogether or given extensive coverage by the mainstream media. It studies theoretical aspects and practical implications of conflict-sensitive reporting.OptionalPolitical Journalism 2027-28JOU3146MLevel 62027-28This module is designed for students who have an interest in the theory and practice of political reporting, building on teaching at earlier levels of the programme relating to British and European political institutions. It focuses on two areas: political theory and the practice of political reporting. Increasingly, journalists need a critical understanding of the underlying concepts for political acting such as liberty, justice, rights, law, and how they are realised in our contemporary democracies. The module will discuss the crisis of our modern democracy and the concept of post-democracy. It will also reflect on the essential role the media hold within our democracies. The practical element will focus on the sourcing of political stories and on various models of political storytelling. It will further look at how digital journalism and the social media have changed political journalism.OptionalProfessional Placement 2027-28JOU3022MLevel 62027-28Work experience is seen as essential in today's competitive jobs market. This module aims to give students the opportunity to experience the industries that can be linked to their studies, gain vital skills which may prepare them for the job market and also establish and maintain links with industry professionals who may help them in their chosen career.OptionalSports Journalism 2027-28JOU3151MLevel 62027-28In this module, students wishing to specialise in an increasingly popular field of journalism have the opportunity to gain experience of sports reporting and are able to work in one or more media of their choice. Students taking this module will follow the NCTJ curriculum and will be able to take the NCTJ assessments at the end of term. Students are also encouraged to develop a better understanding of the structure of sport and will explore issues surrounding sport, including its impact on society.Optional


† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.

Essential Journalism 1 2024-25JOU1091MLevel 42024-25This module will be a blend of practice and theory and aims to create a progression through the key journalistic skills needed to tell stories on the most appropriate platform using traditional, digital and mobile media. This module aims to develop a rounded awareness of the media and to give students the skills and insight that equip them to develop further in levels two and three. The focus is on newsgathering and storytelling skills.CoreEssential Law 2024-25JOU1092MLevel 42024-25Journalism students are required to abide by the law, in terms of newsgathering and research methods, data collection and retention, use of communication networks, publishing and broadcasting material to audiences. This module aims to introduce students to the legal system, to the operation of the courts, and examines the impact of legislation and codes of practice on the work of journalists.CoreIntroduction to Journalism Studies 2024-25JOU1090Level 42024-25Journalism is a key activity not simply in the communication of news and current affairs, but as a primary definer of social, political and psychological contexts in which we live and work as citizens in the twenty-first century. This module introduces students to key cultural, commercial and technological developments that have shaped the modern media, exploring those developments in terms of their history as well as the social impacts of modern mass communications.CoreIntroduction to Journalism Theory and Analysis 2024-25JOU1093MLevel 42024-25This module aims to explore journalistic practices and institutions, utilising the theories of journalism studies and other related media theoretical concepts. It encourages students to discover the link between theory and practice through the use of case studies and appropriate methodologies and aims to engage them in critical evaluation of journalistic practices across different platforms.CoreJournalism Production 1 2024-25JOU1094MLevel 42024-25This module aims to introduce students to the editorial and production skills required for web-based multiplatform news production with a focus on digital convergence and effective use of social media. From the basis of a digital core of content production, the focus is on newsgathering and output for broadcast and online. Students will have the opportunity to work in a newsroom environment under strict but appropriate time constraints.CorePolitics for Journalists 2024-25JOU1095MLevel 42024-25Journalists need to understand how legislation is drafted and enacted in the UK and how journalism – the Fourth Estate – effects a check on Government and Parliament(s). This involves a study of the political, democratic and administrative structure of the Monarch as head of state, Parliament, the Prime Minister, Central Government, local government, the judiciary and EU institutions. Topics explored include constitutional government (the unwritten constitution), ministerial roles and cabinet government, political parties and MPs, the civil service, local government structures, councillors, best value and ethics in local government, and the government information service.CoreShorthand 2024-25JOU1012MLevel 42024-25Shorthand is a key skill for journalists and enables fast, accurate note taking in any situation. Students have the opportunity to be taught the theory of the Teeline system and then work on building their speed with the aim of achieving the NCTJ 'gold standard' 100 words per minute qualification.OptionalEssential Journalism 2 2025-26JOU2284MLevel 52025-26This module aims to develop the basic skills studied in Journalism Skills at Level One. Students are expected to proactively gather news and feature stories employing the full range of research and interview techniques. Students will be encouraged to produce imaginative and original copy conforming to professional standards, with careful consideration of topic, angle, choice of interviewees, necessary attribution and corroboration of facts in a variety of writing styles suitable for a range of traditional, digital and mobile platforms.CoreJournalism Production 2: News Days 2025-26JOU2291MLevel 52025-26From a digital first perspective, this module aims to develop the key skills of journalism through regular practice, including newsgathering, writing and interviewing, and live output production with text and audio and video output as required. Online skills will be used throughout, including social media use to drive consumers to the content. The journalism and features produced will be outward facing, using techniques of electronic newsgathering, digital and non-linear editing, production/journalism for online and print, and an appropriate range of live news broadcasting techniques.CoreJournalism Production 2: Project 2025-26JOU2292MLevel 52025-26This module gives the students the opportunity to specialise in a medium of their choice. In consultation with tutors, students will be able to produce radio or television bulletins, features and magazine programmes, a web site with multimedia content or print magazines and newspapers. More advanced skills appropriate to each medium will be taught and workshops will be tutor led and supervised as required. Materials produced will be outward facing where appropriate.CoreLaw, Ethics and Regulation 2025-26JOU2287MLevel 52025-26This module aims to build on legal and administrative knowledge gleaned in Essential Law at Level One. It examines how criminal and civil legislation affecting print, online and broadcast journalists has developed; identifies areas of conflict and uncertainty; and requires students to apply knowledge of legislation and case law to given scenarios, including responses to actions in the civil courts.CoreResearch methods 2025-26JOU2289MLevel 52025-26This module is designed to equip students with the understanding of research design and methods for undertaking research. The module gives students the opportunity to develop their observational, analytical and writing skills. It has vocational relevance in enabling students to select a relevant research topic for in-depth analysis and evaluation in their final year.CoreEthics and International Human Rights for Journalists 2025-26JOU2006MLevel 52025-26This module aims to highlight the importance of human rights issues to the practice of journalism and aims to develop students’ awareness of the range of ethical issues facing journalists.OptionalHistories of Journalism 2025-26JOU2290MLevel 52025-26This module extends the study of the history of journalism into the twentieth century. It provides students with the opportunity to critically consider the historical background to some of the issues which feature in contemporary news agendas – for example students may have the opportunity to discuss the reporting of war; changes in the National Health Service; critique of ‘care in the community’ relating to mental health, the export of American culture and ‘Globalisation’; the impact of ethnicity on politics and culture particularly in terms of EU debates; etc. Appropriate emphasis will be placed upon the role of the press in recording these social and political developments.OptionalJournalism and Society 2025-26JOU2285MLevel 52025-26The role of the media as a 'mirror' of society means that journalists encounter cross-cultural issues in their newsgathering and news processing functions. This module aims to prepare students to write stories with cultural sensitivity, care and compassion.OptionalJournalism International Exchange 2025-26JOU2011MLevel 52025-26Students who opt to take this module will have the opportunity to study for a term at one of the international institutions with which the School has a partnership arrangement. During the term abroad, students can share classes with local students. Not only will students have the chance to live and socialise in another culture, providing opportunities to study their respective countries, they will also have an opportunity to examine the international journalism industry practice. Please see the fees tab for further information relating to the costs incurred when studying abroad.OptionalJournalism Production A 2025-26JOU2010MLevel 52025-26OptionalJournalism Independent Study 2026-27JOU3016MLevel 62026-27Students undertake a dissertation topic of their choice within their chosen field of study and are expected to apply theoretical concepts to their research. They will be allocated an individual tutor to support their work but students are expected to demonstrate a high degree of personal commitment and to work on their own initiative.CoreProfessional Journalism Production 2026-27JOU3154MLevel 62026-27Working on an individual basis, students will have the opportunity to produce project work in either broadcast, news and magazine brands, online and sport. It is expected that the resulting work will be at industry-standard and suitable for public consumption. An advanced level of editorial and production skills will be expected, including story and idea origination, news and feature management and agenda setting, along with an awareness of the differing journalistic treatment demanded by each medium. Students will be expected to be work on their own initiative, making their own editorial decisions, with tutor supervision.CoreSpecialist Journalism 2026-27JOU3142MLevel 62026-27Students have the opportunity to examine and analyse their chosen specialism across a wide range of publications, from general readership websites, magazines, and newspapers to specialist and niche publications aimed at the 'expert'. Students can study the particular attributes needed for specialist journalism including: authority, expertise, ability to access specialist information and format requirements. Throughout this module, students will select one particular strand to focus on in order to develop their specialism in the following indicative areas: sport, music, fashion, science, arts or business.CoreComparative Media History 2026-27JOU3006MLevel 62026-27This module aims to enable students to appreciate trends and changes within the main media industries (press, radio, TV, cinema, music and the internet) on a comparative basis between countries and between platforms. The module offers an opportunity to understand how the media has reached the state it is now in, and what trends are likely to continue in the future.OptionalInternational Media Policies 2026-27JOU3131MLevel 62026-27This module examines broadcasting structures in the UK and in other countries. It aims to develop students’ critical understanding of models of national broadcasting and the implications for media policy and mass media's role in society. The module aims to introduce students to the fundamental contexts of national, cultural and economic systems which inform the development of media policy debates.OptionalJournalism Production 3: Major Project 2026-27JOU3143MLevel 62026-27Working in small production groups and independently, students will have the chance to build on the experience they have gained at Levels 1 and 2 and produce weekly and termly news and features outputs, in their choice of media, some of which will be for public consumption. Using the School's web-based multimedia news site, LSJ News, students will work in a professional environment for the full year. An advanced level of editorial and production skills will be expected, including story and idea origination, news and feature management and agenda setting, along with an awareness of the differing journalistic treatment demanded by each medium.OptionalJournalists on the Screen 2026-27JOU3015MLevel 62026-27The purpose of this module is to examine and critically compare the different representations of journalists to be found in film and assess the relation between these portrayals and continuing moral and political issues faced by the profession. The module expects students to study movies in which journalists are portrayed as leading characters.OptionalPeace and Conflict Reporting 2026-27JOU3005MLevel 62026-27This module explores the history of war reporting and the ways in which journalists have represented conflicts. It also considers the reasons why some conflicts are marginalised, ignored altogether or given extensive coverage by the mainstream media. It studies theoretical aspects and practical implications of conflict-sensitive reporting.OptionalPolitical Journalism 2026-27JOU3146MLevel 62026-27This module is designed for students who have an interest in the theory and practice of political reporting, building on teaching at earlier levels of the programme relating to British and European political institutions. It focuses on two areas: political theory and the practice of political reporting. Increasingly, journalists need a critical understanding of the underlying concepts for political acting such as liberty, justice, rights, law, and how they are realised in our contemporary democracies. The module will discuss the crisis of our modern democracy and the concept of post-democracy. It will also reflect on the essential role the media hold within our democracies. The practical element will focus on the sourcing of political stories and on various models of political storytelling. It will further look at how digital journalism and the social media have changed political journalism.OptionalProfessional Placement 2026-27JOU3022MLevel 62026-27Work experience is seen as essential in today's competitive jobs market. This module aims to give students the opportunity to experience the industries that can be linked to their studies, gain vital skills which may prepare them for the job market and also establish and maintain links with industry professionals who may help them in their chosen career.OptionalSports Journalism 2026-27JOU3151MLevel 62026-27In this module, students wishing to specialise in an increasingly popular field of journalism have the opportunity to gain experience of sports reporting and are able to work in one or more media of their choice. Students taking this module will follow the NCTJ curriculum and will be able to take the NCTJ assessments at the end of term. Students are also encouraged to develop a better understanding of the structure of sport and will explore issues surrounding sport, including its impact on society.Optional

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

What You Need to Know

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision on where and what you want to study. In addition to the information provided on this course page, our What You Need to Know page offers explanations on key topics including programme validation/revalidation, additional costs, contact hours, and our return to face-to-face teaching.

How you are assessed

As the course involves the acquisition of a wide range of communication skills, assessment is varied and includes practical work; often in the form of timed exercises or news days simulating industry practice, projects, the collation of a portfolio of work, and presentations. The main part of assessment of theory-based modules is in the form of coursework, with some examinations.

Assessment Feedback

The University of Lincoln's policy on assessment feedback aims to ensure that academics will return in-course assessments to students promptly - usually within 15 working days after the submission date.

Methods of Assessment

The way students are assessed on this course may vary for each module. Examples of assessment methods that are used include coursework, such as written assignments, reports or dissertations; practical exams, such as presentations, performances or observations; and written exams, such as formal examinations or in-class tests. The weighting given to each assessment method may vary across each academic year. The University of Lincoln aims to ensure that staff return in-course assessments to students promptly.

How you are assessed

As the course involves the acquisition of a wide range of communication skills, assessment is varied and includes practical work; often in the form of timed exercises or news days simulating industry practice, projects, the collation of a portfolio of work, and presentations. The main part of assessment of theory-based modules is in the form of coursework, with some examinations.

Assessment Feedback

The University of Lincoln's policy on assessment feedback aims to ensure that academics will return in-course assessments to students promptly - usually within 15 working days after the submission date.

Methods of Assessment

The way students are assessed on this course may vary for each module. Examples of assessment methods that are used include coursework, such as written assignments, reports or dissertations; practical exams, such as presentations, performances or observations; and written exams, such as formal examinations or in-class tests. The weighting given to each assessment method may vary across each academic year. The University of Lincoln aims to ensure that staff return in-course assessments to students promptly.

Specialist Facilities

Journalism students benefit from a suite of newsrooms, with associated workstations and specialist print production software. Broadcast students have exclusive access to radio and television presentation studios and opportunities for output on the University’s digital audio platform. Students also have access to a TV studio where they can use the latest virtual studio technology to produce television news programmes.


The School of English and Journalism is a member of the European Public Relations Education and Research Association.


This course places an emphasis on gaining hands-on experience. Our industry links can help students to secure work placements with media organisations. In the third year there is an optional Professional Placement module which aims to give students the opportunity to experience the industries that can be linked to their studies, gain vital skills which may prepare them for the job market and also establish and maintain links with industry professionals who may help them in their chosen career. Please note that students are responsible for covering their travel, accommodation, and general living costs while undertaking placements.

There are also opportunities to gain experience with the University’s digital audio platform and a range of student media, including Cygnet PR (a student-run PR agency), LSJ News, magazines, websites, social media, and TV webcasting.

Student Media Platforms

You can get involved with a range of media outlets at Lincoln, including our print and online school magazine, student-run Linc news site, and Cygnet PR. These are excellent opportunities to collaborate with other students, showcase your work, and apply your skills in a variety of contexts.

Students taking part in a radio show on campus

What Can I Do with a Journalism Studies Degree?

Graduates have gone on to secure positions at regional, national, and international media organisations and press agencies, or to work in a freelance capacity. Some may use their degree as the basis for a career in PR, business, marketing, or education. Others go on to study further at postgraduate level.

Entry Requirements 2025-26

United Kingdom

104 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent qualifications.

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction, Merit, Merit.

T Level: Merit

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 104 UCAS Tariff points.

International Baccalaureate: 28 points overall.

GCSE's: Minimum of three at grade 4 or above, which must include English. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We may also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 7.0 overall, with a minimum of 6.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

For further advice on IELTS and the support available, please contact the International College by email at

For applicants who do not meet our standard entry requirements, our Arts Foundation Year can provide an alternative route of entry onto our full degree programmes:

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.

Entry Requirements 2024-25

United Kingdom

104 UCAS Tariff points from a minimum of 2 A Levels or equivalent qualifications.

International Baccalaureate: Pass Diploma from a minimum of 2 Higher Level subjects.

BTEC Extended Diploma: Distinction, Merit, Merit or equivalent.

T Level: Merit

Access to Higher Education Diploma: 45 Level 3 credits with a minimum of 104 UCAS Tariff points.

Applicants will also need at least three GCSEs at grade 4 or above, which must include English. Equivalent Level 2 qualifications may be considered.

The University accepts a wide range of qualifications as the basis for entry and do accept a combination of qualifications which may include A Levels, BTECs, EPQ etc.

We will also consider applicants with extensive and relevant work experience and will give special individual consideration to those who do not meet the standard entry qualifications.


Non UK Qualifications:

If you have studied outside of the UK, and are unsure whether your qualification meets the above requirements, please visit our country pages for information on equivalent qualifications.

EU and Overseas students will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 6.0 overall, with a minimum of 5.5 in each element. For information regarding other English language qualifications we accept, please visit the English Requirements page

For further advice on IELTS and the support available, please contact the International College by email at

For applicants who do not meet our standard entry requirements, our Arts Foundation Year can provide an alternative route of entry onto our full degree programmes:

If you would like further information about entry requirements, or would like to discuss whether the qualifications you are currently studying are acceptable, please contact the Admissions team on 01522 886097, or email

Contextual Offers

At Lincoln, we recognise that not everybody has had the same advice and support to help them get to higher education. Contextual offers are one of the ways we remove the barriers to higher education, ensuring that we have fair access for all students regardless of background and personal experiences. For more information, including eligibility criteria, visit our Offer Guide pages.


Applicants who receive an offer will be invite to an Offer Holder Day to lean more about the course. This will include practical workshops and a short interview.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Fees and Scholarships

Going to university is a life-changing step and it's important to understand the costs involved and the funding options available before you start. A full breakdown of the fees associated with this programme can be found on our course fees pages.

Course Fees

For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. To help support students from outside of the UK, we are also delighted to offer a number of international scholarships which range from £1,000 up to the value of 50 per cent of tuition fees. For full details and information about eligibility, visit our scholarships and bursaries pages.

Find out More by Visiting Us

The best way to find out what it is really like to live and learn at Lincoln is to visit us in person. We offer a range of opportunities across the year to help you to get a real feel for what it might be like to study here.

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Three students walking together on campus in the sunshine
The University intends to provide its courses as outlined in these pages, although the University may make changes in accordance with the Student Admissions Terms and Conditions.