Riseholme Campus

Riseholme Campus

The University of Lincoln’s 200-hectare Riseholme Campus is located just north of Lincoln city centre and is home to the Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology (LIAT) including Lincoln Agri-Robotics and Lincoln’s EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Agri-Food Robotics: AgriFoRwArdS.

The Campus comprises of a mixed farm which includes arable, woodland, watercourses and livestock such as Lincoln Red cattle and Lincoln Longwool sheep.

The site also includes a dedicated strawberry crop research site, walled garden with trial plots for teaching and research as well as a refrigeration research unit and agri-robotics workshop.

Furthermore it is home to the Barclays Eagle Lab Farm which provides access to office space in an emerging technology environment.

Explore Our Facilities in 360°

In this interactive tour you'll be able to explore the grounds of our Riseholme Park campus.

Pheno Chart and Wheat Image
Walled Garden aerial shot

Strawberries and a Robot
Eagle Lab