Marketing Research Group | Publications and Scholarly Activity
Conference Papers
View our members' scholarly activities and research outputs, including peer-review journal articles, books, book sections, conference papers, research grants and projects.
- Mak, C. (2024) En-route practices and identity switch: spatial and temporal enabling through electrics. Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) 2024, 9-12 July 2024, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Nguyen, H.T. (2024) Understanding Customers' Negative Responses When Forced to Use Service Chatbots: A Conceptual Framework. The 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, 28-31 May 2024, Bucharest, Romania.
- Nguyen, N. (2024) Activating Persistence-Licensing Response Measure in Sustainable Consumptions. The 53rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, 28-31 May 2024, Bucharest, Romania.
- Ehidiamen, A., Mak, C. and Onwumere, I. (2024) “A brand I once loved”: The consumer breakup journey and the role of hedonic and utilitarian brands. Global Brand Conference 2024, 22-24 April 2024, Edinburgh, UK.
- Hardwick J. and Ardley, B. (2024) Digital engagement via Social Network Platforms (SNPs) in the commercialisation of innovation: A case study of high-tech small firm. 7th Industrial Marketing Management Summit, University of Leeds Business School, 8-11 January 2024, Leeds, UK.
- Ardley, B. Hunt, A, Taylor, N. (2023) Learners as Consultants: Knowledge Acquisition and Client Organisations-A Student as Producer Case Study. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Conference on Higher Education Teaching, Learning, Pedagogy and Assessment, 17-18 August 2023, London, UK.
- Mak, C. (2023). Using Walking-with Approach to explore Embodied Dining Practices for Workplace Impression Management, Global Marketing Conference, 20-23 July 2023, Seoul, S. Korea,, p.874-875.
- Mak, Connie and Xu, Bill (2022) Cultural capital and consumption practices for embodied acculturation: The case of educated and affluent Chinese immigrants in Hong Kong. In: The Migration Conference 2022, 7-10 September 2022, Rabat, Morocco.
- Bosworth G, Westwood C, Price L, Ardley B (2022), Rural and agricultural shows: New strategies for supporting entrepreneurs, Rural Entrepreneurship Conference, Northumbria University June 21st -24th.
- Hardwick, Jialin, Xiong, Lin and James, Imaobong (2022) Entrepreneurial engagement with customers in co-creation of value through digitalisation in Covid-19. In: Research Away Day Conference, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, 16th June 2022, Lincoln, UK.
- Ardley, Barry and Bosworth, Gary (2021) “A voice in the Dark”: Innovation in Rural and Agricultural Shows. In: rural entrepreneurship conference, 15th -17th July, Swansea university.
- Hardwick, Jialin and Anderson, Alistair (2021) Collaboration in new product development using videoconferencing in entrepreneurial SMEs. In: Digitalisation Research Theme Showcase, 11th June 2021, University of Lincoln.
- Mak, Connie (2021) Revisiting symbolic consumption – cultural capital and habitus for gestalt self-performance. In: 2021 Global Fashion Management Conference (GFMC), 5-7 Nov 2021, Seoul, Korea.
- Mak, Connie and Xu, Jing (Bill) (2021) Using Transborder cultural capital for acculturation. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021, 31 Aug to 3 Sep 2021, Virtual.
- Mak, Connie (2021) Walking beyond we are what we have: Making Distinction through "Gestalt Performance of Self". In: Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism, 5-6 July 2021, Online/Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Nuery, Nuzhat, Yannopoulou, Natalia, Manika, Danae and Alamanos, Eleftherios (2021) The difference in the impact of users' positive and negative caption accompanying a sustainability ad on social media, on other users' social media engagement with the ad and behavioural intentions, in terms of brand purchase and other sustainable behaviour. In: 021 AMA Winter Academic Conference. Focusing on: The Human Side of Marketing in an Age of Digital Transformation, 12-17 February 2021, USA.
- Hardwick, Jialin and Ardley, Barry (2020) Virtual Technological Product Innovation and PGT (Post-graduate) Students' Marketing Project Experiences. In: eaching and Learning Conference 2019-20, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, 10th June 2020, Lincoln, UK.
- Mak, Connie (2020) Walking towards the ‘Gestalt Performance of Self’. In: The 7th INTCESS International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 20-22 Jan 2020, Dubai.
- Mak, Connie (2020) Walking towards ‘self-field congruity’ in the workplace. In: The 11th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS2020), 24-25 May 2020, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ardley, Barry, Taylor, Nick and Hardwick, Jialin (2020) Developing Entrepreneurial Marketing Competencies (Chapter 25). In: Entrepreneurship Marketing. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138585232
- Michel-Villarreal, Rosario, Vilalta-perdomo, Eliseo Luis and Hingley, Martin (2019) Towards an understanding of farmers’ motivations and challenges within Short Food Supply Chains: The case of farmers' markets in Mexico. In: 6th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, March 18-19, 2019, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Mak, Connie (2019) Walking towards ‘Self-field Congruity’ in the workplace. In: 13th EIASM Colloquium on organizational change and development, 17-18 October 2019, Manchester, UK.
- Mak, Connie (2019) Walking towards the ‘Gestalt Performance of Self. In: Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism, 8-11 July 2019, York, UK.
- Nuery, Nuzhat, Yannopoulou, Natalia, Manika, Danae and Filieri, Raffaele (2019) Common Reasons For Adopting Sustainable Consumption Behaviour And Digital Engagement: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 2, 3 and 4 July 2019, London.
- Vilalta-perdomo, Eliseo Luis, Michel-Villarreal, Rosario, Hingley, Martin and Garcia-Diaz, Cesar (2018) OR approaches for unbounded problems with undefined resources. In: 60th OR Society Annual Conference, 11-13 September 2018, Lancaster University.
- Michel-Villarreal, Rosario, Hingley, Martin and Bregoli, Ilenia (2018) Defining alternative food networks: A systematic literature review. In: International Food Marketing Research Symposium, June 2018, University of Bournemouth, UK.
- Mak, Connie, Davies, Andrea and Tsaousi, Christiana (2018) Walking Towards an Embodied Work Identity. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2018, 28-31 August 2018, Cardiff, UK.
- Mak, Connie, Davies, Andrea and Tsaousi, Christiana (2018) Understanding Cultural Capital for Impression Management in Asian Executives. In: ACSCOS/SCOS Conference (Australasian Caucus (ACSCOS) and Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS)), 17-20 August 2018, Tokyo, Japan.
- Mak, Connie, Davies, Andrea and Tsaousi, Christiana (2018) Consumption and Cultural Capital for Self-presentation in the Workplace. In: Global Marketing Conference, 26-29 July 2021, Tokyo, Japan.
- Nuery, Nuzhat, Yannopoulou, Natalia and Filieri, Raffaele (2018) Antecedents of Online Engagement and Sustainability Related Behaviour. In: 3rd International Conference on Marketing, Strategy and Policy; focusing on: Technology, Sustainability, Wellbeing and Shared Economy: Role of Marketing Strategy and Policy, April 10th – 11th 2018, London.
- Ardley, Barry and Hardwick, Jialin (2017) Canons, competencies and critique: delivering an undergraduate entrepreneurial marketing module. In: Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, 3rd -7th July 2017, University of Hull.
- Vilalta-perdomo, Eliseo Luis, Cruz-Mejia, Oliverio and Hingley, Martin (2017) Can merge-in-transit be sustainable? A micro-enterprise perspective. In: OR59 Annual Conference, 12-14 September 2017, Loughborough University.
- Arzuaga, Susel, May, Claire and Matthews, Lee (2016) Preaching to the converted: the value of organisationally supported carbon reduction initiatives. In: The 5th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, 6 - 7 October 2016, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy.
- Arzuaga, Susel (2016) The effect of downsizing on affective organisational commitment: a contextual proximity perspective. In: British Academy of Management 2016 - Track 20, 6 - 8 September 2016, Newcastle, UK.
- Kissoon, Chavan, Arzuaga, Susel and Summan, Sandhla (2016) Beyond turn on, tune in, drop out: incorporating students’ mobile devices into the classroom. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), 6-8 Sept 2016, University of Warwick.
- Hardwick, Jialin (2016) Virtual interactions via videoconferencing in open innovation: a networking perspective. In: High Technology Small Firms (HTSF) Conference on Technology based Entrepreneurship, 14 - 15 June 2016, British Academy of Management, University of Liverpool Foresight Centre, Liverpool.
- Hardwick, Jialin, Essam, Nadya, Windle, Karen, Togher, Fiona, Siriwardena, Niro, Phung, Viet-Hai and Vowles, Valerie (2015) Patient understanding of NHS 111 service: an exploratory study of patients aged 65 and over. In: The Health Services Research Network (HSRN) Symposium 2015, 1 - 2 July 2015, Nottingham Conference Centre, Nottingham.
- Vilalta-perdomo, Eliseo Luis and Hingley, Martin (2015) Food supply arrangements. In: 27th European Conference of Operational Research, 12-15 July 2015, University of Strathclyde, UK.
- Vilalta-perdomo, Eliseo Luis and Hingley, Martin (2015) Small businesses participation in community development: drivers, hindrances and triggers to collective action. In: IIE Annual conference and expo 2015, 30 May - 2 Jun 2015, Nashville, TN, USA.
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