Level 3 Supply Chain Practitioner

Introduction to the Apprenticeship
Supply Chain is at the heart of every business – it is a system of organisations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving products or services from supplier to customer. It may include the transformation of natural resources, raw materials and components into a finished product. Supply chain functions include procurement, forecasting, planning manufacture, customer service, and logistics.
FMCG Supply Chain Practitioners will work in one or more supply chain functions. Typical duties could include forecasting customer demand as a Junior Demand Planner, liaising with the factories schedule production as a Junior Supply Planner, processing orders as a Customer Service Operative and working with hauliers and Distribution Centres as an Assistant Transport Planner.
This apprenticeship has been designed by employers to ensure that both new entrants and those interested in progressing a career in the sector have an opportunity to develop the right skills, knowledge, and behaviours. This apprenticeship is a fantastic way of developing these skills whilst learning and gaining experience at work. At the end of the programme apprentices will be able to: prioritise the flow of FMCG products or service, use continuous improvement techniques to improve performance in the FMCG supply chain, analyse large amounts of data to identify key trends and themes that affect the FMCG supply chain, and identify, manage, and escalate risks to the business.
Apprenticeship Standard
For more information about the Level 3 Supply Chain Practitioner standard, please visit: https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/supply-chain-practitioner-fast-moving-consumer-good-previously-operator-manager-v1-0
Apprenticeship Modules
Supply Chain Practitioners will have a comprehensive understanding of the entire supply chain, are responsible for their impact on each function and strive to deliver the best value for their business and customer. Due to the high number of interactions both within and outside of the business, they need strong relationship building, influencing, stakeholder management and communication skills alongside sound analytical, information technology and numeracy skills, with an ability to work in a fast-paced environment with frequently changing requirements.
Modules include:
- Principles of Planning and Procurement
- Organising Provision of Product
- Controlling Risk
- Resolving Problems
- Improving Operational Performance
- Principles of Customer Service
- Information Management Systems and Analysing Data
Apprenticeship End Point assessment
All apprentices must spend a minimum of 12 months on-programme (before the gateway) working towards the occupational standard and should meet the off the job requirements for an apprenticeship.
The EPA period should only start once the employer is satisfied that the apprentice is deemed to be consistently working at or above the level set out in the occupational
standard. Apprentices without English and mathematics at level 2 must achieve level 2 prior to taking their EPA. The EPA must be completed within an EPA period lasting typically 3 months, The EPA consists of 3 discrete assessment methods.
- Knowledge test
- Workplace project with presentation and questions
- Professional discussion
For more information about the End Point Assessment Process, please visit: https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/media/1451/supply-chain-practitioner-assessment-plan.pdf
Contact us for more information about how to apply.
Contact Us
The Centre of Excellence in Agri-food Technology
PE12 7FJ