PGR Research

PGR Research

CCRG supports a range of Postgraduate Research projects on the Masters and PhD level.  

Ongoing projects 

PhD projects

PhD ProjectStudent NameSupervisorsProject Overview
Integrating catchment and coastal processes to increase flood protection in tidally-influenced rivers and estuaries  Miyo Yoshizaki 

Mark Schuerch, Luca Mao, Mark Macklin 

Investigating the impact of catchment and estuarine management on long-term estuarine flood risks. The study develops a modelling framework which integrates estuarine and catchment processes. Numerical modelling tools are applied.  
Environmental fate of microplastics from river catchments to saltmarsh  Gertruda Zieniute  Daniel Magnone, Mark Schuerch, Mark Macklin  Investigating sources, storage and transport of microplastics across multiple catchments in the Wash and the impact this has on a managed realignment saltmarsh. The project is also evaluating carbon storage and transport in these systems.   
Improving flood risk assessment in the Yorkshire Ouse river using documentary and floodplain sedimentary archives  Josephine Westlake  Mark Macklin, Edward Hanna, Sean Longfield  Investigating sediment records of the historic fluvial flood events in England. 
Conducting a global assessment of coastal risk reduction through wetland restoration using a global model of intertidal wetlands  Ethan Umbo  

Mark Schuerch, Luca Mao 

This research is part of Work Package 2 in the EU funded REST-COAST project investigating the effects of climate change on global intertidal wetland survival rates and future spatial distribution. The project is also assessing where intertidal wetlands can replace grey coastal defences.   

MSc by Research projects

MSc ProjectStudent NameSupervisorsProject Overview

List of potential Master by Research projects

CCRG academics are able to supervise a wider range of topics with the Catchments and Coast research theme. For a list of possible research projects that our CCRG academics are happy to supervise, please visit our “Work with us” section.

Completed projects 

PhD projects

PhD ProjectStudent NameSupervisorsProject Overview

MSc by Research projects

MSc ProjectStudent NameSupervisorsProject Overview

Student-led publications<

Year 2022

Student-led grant income

Grant NameValueYearStudent Name
BSG (British Society for Geomorphology) Postgraduate Conference Attendance Grant [BSG-2021-12]    2021  Miyo Yoshizaki  
ECSA (Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association) Conference Attendance) Grant     2022  Gertruda Zieniute  
NEIF (National Environmental Isotope Facility) analysis grant    2021  Gertruda Zieniute