George Major Bursaries

Level of Study

Postgraduate (Research)
Postgraduate (Taught)

Fees Status


Mode of Study


Application Required


George Major Bursaries aims to provide bursaries for students with life limiting-illnesses.

Bursary Amount

The bursary is a set amount of £1,000 paid to eligible students.

Selection Criteria

Applicants must provide evidence of a life-limiting (shortening) condition; a life limiting condition is an incurable condition that will shorten a person's life, though they may continue to live an active life for many years.

This can be either:

  • Evidence from the applicant’s medical practitioner, or
  • Evidence from the Student Wellbeing Centre, providing we already hold the appropriate evidence from the applicant’s medical practitioner.

Students must be enrolled on a Student Information System on a full-time or part-time University of Lincoln undergraduate programme; a postgraduate taught programme; or a postgraduate research programme. Students must have a student status of Home on the Student Information System.

You can also find out more about how we support students from underrepresented backgrounds on our Equality of Opportunity webpage.

How to Apply

To apply, please contact Student Services, who can be contacted by emailing The closing date for applications is end of term 1, which is in December for autumn starters, and April for winter starters.