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Representative Recent Publications
View a list of recent publications produced by members of the Medieval Studies Research Group.
Graham Barrett
Graham Barrett, ‘The Text of Visigothic Law in Practice’, Visigothic Symposia, 4 (2020-21), pp. 18-63.
Graham Barrett, ‘Hispania at Home and Abroad’, in Simon Barton and Robert Portass (eds), Beyond the Reconquista: New Directions in the History of Medieval Iberia (711-1085). In Honour of Simon Barton. The Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World 76 (Leiden, 2020), pp. 52-119.
Graham Barrett, ‘God’s Librarian: Isidore of Seville and His Literary Agenda’, in Andrew Fear and Jamie Wood (eds), A Companion to Isidore of Seville. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition 87 (Leiden, 2020), pp. 42-100.
Nicholas Bennett
Nicholas Bennett, Battles and Dynasties: An exhibition to mark the 800th anniversary of the Battle of Lincoln (Lincoln, 2017).
Nicholas Bennett, Lincolnshire Parish Clergy, c.1214-1968: A Biographical Register, Lincoln Record Society 103, 105 (Woodbridge, 2013- , in progress).
Nicholas Bennett (ed.), The Registers of Henry Burghersh, 1320-1342, Lincoln Record Society 87, 90, 101 (Woodbridge, 1999- , in progress).
Mark Clark
Mark Clark, 'Hereford and Lincoln Cathedral Libraries during the High Middle Ages', The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 71 (2020), pp. 502-26.
Mark Clark, 'Peter Lombard, Stephen Langton and the School of Paris: The Making of Twelfth-Century Scholastic Biblical Tradition', Traditio, 72 (2017), pp. 171-274.
Mark Clark, The Making of the Historia scholastica, 1150-1200 (Toronto, 2016).
Andrew Elliott
Andrew Elliott and Mike Howswell, 'Crusading Icons: Medievalism and Authenticity in Historical Digital Games', in History in Games: Contingencies of an Authentic Past (Bielefeld, 2020), pp. 137-55.
Andrew Elliott, 'Internet Medievalism and the White Middle Ages', History Compass, 16 (2018), pp. 1-10.
Andrew Elliott, Medievalism, Politics and Mass Media: Appropriating the Middle Ages in the Twenty-First Century (Woodbridge, 2017).
Mark Gardiner
Mark Gardiner, ’The House in Europe, 800–1450’, in Katherine French (ed.), A Cultural Historyof the Home in the Middle Age (London, 2021), pp. 49–69.
Mark Gardiner, Liam Downey and Seamás Ó Síocháin, ‘Sustainable Rundale, Runrig, and Northern English Open-field Historical Farming Systems, Béaloideas (Journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society), 88 (2020), pp. 101–31.
Mark Gardiner and Natascha Mehler, ‘Introduction: German Traders in the North Atlantic’, in Natascha Mehler, Mark Gardiner and Endre Elvestad (eds), German Traders in the North Atlantic (c 1400—1700): Interdisciplinary Approaches (Stavanger, 2019), pp. 9–24.
Robert Portass
Robert Portass, ‘Peasants, Market Exchange and Economic Agency in North-Western Christian Iberia, c.850-c.1050’, Past and Present (advanced online access: March 2021; print version: late 2021), pp. TBC.
Robert Portass, ‘Early Medieval Spain, 800-1100: The Christian Kingdoms and Al-Andalus', in S. Mossman (ed.), Debating Medieval Europe, I: The Post-Roman World (Manchester, 2020), pp. 176-229.
Robert Portass, The Village World of Early Medieval Northern Spain: Local Community and the Land Market (Woodbridge, 2017).
Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo
Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo, ‘“El mellor amigo que nos avemos”: Friendship and Political Communication in Thirteenth-Century Iberia’, Cahiers d’Études hispaniques médiévales, 42 (2020), pp. 107-122.
Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo, ‘Emotional Memory and Medieval Autobiography: King James I of Aragon (r. 1213–76)’s Llibre dels fets’, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 10:1 (2018), pp. 1-25.
Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo, Friendship in Medieval Iberia: Historical, Legal and Literary Perspectives (Routledge, 2014).
Sam Tipper
R. Lemos and S. Tipper, ‘Sudanese and Nubian Archaeology: Scholarship Past and Present’, in S. Tipper and R. Lemos (eds), New Approaches to Archaeology in Sudan (Cambridge, 2021).
S. Tipper and G. Tully (eds), Current Research in Nubian Archaeology (New Jersey, 2018).
C. Primeau and S. Tipper, ‘Aging Archaeological Sub Adults from Femur Length – Which Method is Advisable?’, Newsletter of the Society of Archaeological Sciences, 40 (2017), pp. 2-7.
Michele Vescovi
Michele Luigi Vescovi, ‘Stone, Image, Body. Constructing the Memory of saint Dionysius in Regensburg’, in John McNeill and R. Plant (eds), Romanesque Saints, Shrines and Pilgrimage (London, 2020), pp. 157–171.
Michele Luigi Vescovi, ‘Inscribing Presence: Script, Relics, Space’, in Tobias Frese, Wilfried Keil and Kristina Krüger (eds), Sacred Scripture / Sacred Space. The Interlacing of Real Places and Conceptual Spaces in Medieval Art and Architecture (Berlin, 2019), pp. 137–164 (Open Access: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110629156-007/html).
Michele Luigi Vescovi, ‘An Eschatological Mirror: The Romanesque Portal of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne’, Gesta, 56 (2017), pp. 53–80.
Anaïs Waag
Anaïs Waag, ‘The Letters of Eleanor and Marguerite of Provence in Thirteenth-Century Anglo-French Relations’, in A. Spencer and C. Watkins (eds), Thirteenth-Century England XVII: Proceedings of the Cambridge Conference 2017 (Woodbridge, 2021), pp. 111-128.
Anaïs Waag, ‘Rethinking Battle Commemoration: Female Letters and the Myth of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212)’, Journal of Medieval History, 45 (2019), pp. 457-80.
Anaïs Waag, ‘Gender and the Language of Politics in Thirteenth-Century Royal Letters’, Historical Research, 92 (2019), pp. 288-304.
Renée Ward
Victoria Coldham-Fussell, Miriam Edlich-Muth, and Renée Ward (eds), The Arthurian World, Routledge Worlds (Routledge, 2022).
Renée Ward, ‘Food, Feasts, and Temperance: The Social Contracts of “mete and drink” in The Tale of Gamelyn’, in Melissa Ridley Elmes and Kristin Bovaird-Abbo (eds), Food and Feast in Premodern Outlaw Tales, Outlaws in Literature, History, and Culture (London, 2021), pp. 30-54.
Renée Ward, ‘Giving Voice to Griselda: Radical Reimaginings of a Medieval Tale’, Studies in Medievalism, 26 (2017), pp. 87-116.
Louise Wilkinson
Louise J. Wilkinson (ed. and trans.), The Household Roll of Eleanor de Montfort, Countess of Leicester and Pembroke, 1265: British Library Additional MS 8877, The Pipe Roll Society new series 63 (London, 2020).
Louise J. Wilkinson and David Crook (eds), The Growth of Royal Government under Henry III (Woodbridge, 2015; paperback 2020).
Louise J. Wilkinson, Women in Thirteenth-Century Lincolnshire (Woodbridge, 2007; paperback 2015).
Hope Williard
Hope Williard, 'Letter-writing and Literary Culture in Merovingian Gaul', European Review of History, 21 (2014), pp. 691-710.
Jamie Wood
Jamie Wood and Kate Cooper (eds), Conflict and Social Control in Late Antiquity: The Violence of Small Worlds (Cambridge, 2020).
Jamie Wood, 'Persecution, past and present: memorialising martyrdom in late antique and early Medieval Córdoba', Al-Masaq: The Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean, 27.1 (2015), pp. 41-60.
Jamie Wood, The Politics of Identity in Visigothic Spain: Religion and Power in the Histories of Isidore of Seville (Leiden, 2012).
Michael Wuk
Michael Wuk, ‘Provincial Negotiation of Religious Change: Late Antique Oath-formulae in the Greek Documentary Papyri’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 215 (2020), pp. 237-256.
Michael Wuk, ‘Pragmatic Necessity over Scriptural Guidelines: Basil of Seleucia and the Swearing of Oaths at Late-Roman Church Councils’ (under review).
Michael Wuk, ‘Trust, Persuasion and Manipulation: The Use of Oaths in Later Roman Politics’ (under review).